what are five examples of what materials placed in the oral cavity must be?
- biocompatible
- durable
- nonreactive in acid or alkaline conditions
- compatible with other materials
- esthetically acceptable
materials placed in the oral cavity must be: __________, ________, nonreactive in _______ or ______ conditions, _______ with other materials, and ______ acceptable
- biocompatible
- durable
- acid or alkaline
- compatible
- esthetically
materials must be compatible in environments of? (5)
- moisture
- stresses
- temperature
- acid levels
- time
how many lbs of pressure is on the occlusal surface during mastication?
90-200 lbs
how many lbs per sq of pressure is there on a cusp tip during mastication?
dental materials must withstand forces (stress) of? (3)
- mastication
- bruxing
- clenching
each tooth is ideally suited for specific type of _____
how do posterior teeth resist crushing forces?
multi rooted to spread out force
stress=amount of force exerted from ______ an object
stress= ______ force resisting applied force
what do foods, beverages and medicines convert into?
lactic acid
desired materials have low ____ and _____ absorption
a ______ current is possible between two dissimilar metals?
what is an example of two materials that can produce glavanism?
gold against amalgum
t/f galvanism occurs with composite against amalgum
what is pulpal stimulation from electric current?
galvanic shock
excessive contraction causes what?
leakage-pulls away from the tooth
what material can reduce thermal conductivity?
which materials have less expansion and contraction?
gold and procelain
what is described as hue, chroma and value?
t/f porcelain to metal crowns have poor light reflection
detection of restorative materials is ______ in dental hygiene
what is the most reliable on tooth colored fillings if you aren't sure?
explorer (tactile)
what are three ways to detect different types of restorative materials?
- x-rays
- explorer (tactile)
- visual, light, air, magnification
what is an example of galvanism?
amalgam contacting gold
an excessive film thickness may cause?
improper seating of restoration
microleakage may be responsible for? (3)
- marginal staining
- postoperative sensitivity
- recurrent decay