
  1. What is a microganism?
    Include bacteria, archaea, fungi(molds and yeasts), protozoa, algae, helminths, and viruses. First observed in 1673 byAnton van Leeuwenhoek.
  2. How do you name Microorganisms?
    Each one has a Genus and species name. Scientific named are underlined. Genis name is capatilized and the spiecies name is lower case.
  3. Give two examples of the names of micro organisms.
    Escherichia coli & Streptomyces griseus
  4. What roles do microorganisms play?
    Enviormental microbes decompose organic wastes. Also some protect us from diease and some cause illness.
  5. What is an example of an enviormental microbe? Give a description of it.
    Saprophytes. They get thier nutrients from dead and decaying materials.
  6. What is a photosynthetic microbe? Give two examples of them.
    Phososynthetic microbes produce oxygen. Two examples include algae and photosynthetic bacteria.
  7. How do our normal microbiota help protect us from illness?
    They crowd out our pathogens, produce acids, and produce vitamins. They are mostly bacteria that live on us permenatly.
  8. What vitamins do our normal bacteria give us and what are they used for?
    Vitamin K is produced by intestinal bacteria is nessasary for blood clotting. Vitamin B is essential for metabolism.
  9. What are are disease-causing organisms called? How many of these are thier compared to other microbes?
    Pathogens. Relatively few compared to all that do not cause disease.
  10. Give some exapmles of things industrial microbes produce.
    Chemicals( Citric Acid ), foods( Bread, yogurt) and medical products ( Insulin and antibiotics).
  11. How many species have been identified on the earth? How many are Bacteria and Archae?
    1.8 million species have been identified on the earth. 6200 species of bacteria and even less archae have been identified. The rest are Eukarya.
  12. What are the kingdoms in the domain Eukarya?
    Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, and protista.
Card Set
Vocabulary, Names, and concepts of microbiology.