Law as A Guide to Freedom

  1. _ and __
    - Because we are made in __, we have the power to __ and __.
    - We can search for __.
    - We are the __ of our own __.
    - We have the ability to __.
    • Freedom and Responsibility
    • God's image
    • think
    • choose
    • truth
    • masters
    • actions
    • love
  2. Freedom and Responsibility
    - __ makes us responsible for our __ and __
    - How we use our __ determines if we will grow in __ or if we will __.
    - __: denies that humans are free to choose
    - Our faith does not agree with __.
    • Freedom
    • choices
    • actions
    • freedom
    • holiness
    • sin
    • determinism x2
  3. What are the kinds of freedom?
    • External-
    • •Freedom from factors outside of ourselves that threaten or destroy our power to make choices.
    • Internal-
    • •Freedom from internal factors that limit our choices.
  4. Human Freedom
    - is not __
    - is ___
    Unlimited freedom is __.
    __ is: unbridled, excessive, undisciplined freedom that abuses true liberty
    • absolute
    • limited
    • license
    • license
  5. Abuses against Freedom:
    Abuse of freedom= __
  6. What are the types of limits of freedom?
    • Physical
    • Intellectual
    • Emotional
    • Experiential
    • Psychological
    • Social
  7. Limits of Freedom:
    __- can limit our responsibility for some actions
    What are they?
    • impediments
    • ignorance
    • inadvertance
    • duress
    • inordinate attachment
    • fear
    • habit
  8. What are the six types of advent?
    • Historical
    • eschatalogical
    • physical
    • personal
    • spiritual
    • liturgical
  9. Type of advent:

    •God made a promise.
    •The Jewish people WAIT for the Messiah.
  10. Type of Advent:

    •God made a promise.
    •Mary waits for her child’s birth.
  11. Type of Advent:

    •God made a promise.
    •We wait for his coming for us.
  12. Type of advent:

    •God made a promise.
    •Jesus will return for us.
  13. Type of Advent:

    •God made a promise.
    •We wait to find God in: prayer, Scripture, the Eucharist, in ourselves and in the poor.
  14. Type of Advent:

    •God made a promise.
    •Our church waits.
  15. Limits to Freedom:

    •Spiritual practices such as __ and ____help us to gain freedom.

    •__: saying “no” to some wants in order to say “yes” to a greater want.
    •Delaying __ for a greater reward.
    • prayer
    • self denial
    • self denial
    • gratification
  16. Responsibility: With freedom comes responsibility:

    •We are accountable for our __.
    •We own our __. (__)
    •We are responsible for the __.
    • actions
    • actions
    • imputable
    • consequences
  17. Emotions and Morality:

    •__are morally neutral.
    •__need to be directed toward good.
    •Use your will to direct your __.
    •This makes one __.
    • Emotions
    • Emotions
    • Emotions
    • free
  18. What are emotions?
  19. Emotions, often called feelings,
    • include experiences
    • such as
    • love, hate,
    • anger, trust,
    • joy, panic,
    • fear, and grief.
  20. __ are related to,
    but different from, __.
    __are specific reactions to a
    particular event that are usually
    of fairly short duration.

    __is a more general feeling such as
    happiness, sadness, frustration, contentment,
    or anxiety that lasts for a longer time.
    • emotions
    • mood
    • emotions
    • mood
  21. What is Emotional Intelligence?

    ___ refers to people's ability to monitor
    their own and other people's emotional states
    and to use this information
    to act wisely in relationships.
    Emotional intelligence
  22. Emotional intelligence has five parts:

    1.__: recognizing internal feelings

    2. __: finding ways to handle emotions that are appropriate to the situation

    3.__: using self-control to channel emotions toward a goal

    4.__: understanding the
    emotional perspective
    of other people

    5.__: using
    personal information and information
    about others to handle social
    relationships and to develop
    interpersonal skills
    • Self-awareness
    • Managing emotions
    • Motivation
    • Empathy
    • handling relationships
  23. Researchers are beginning to develop tests that can measure __.
    Scientists who study emotions generally believe that people with high __ usually work well in cooperative situations and are good at motivating and managing others.
    People with low __ often misinterpret emotional signals and have difficulty with relationships.
    emotional intelligence x3
  24. Although __ probably has
    an inherited component,
    many psychologists
    believe that people can be guided
    into making better use
    of the __ that they possess.
    emotional intelligence x2
  25. Law and Morality:
    •Good law guides human freedom.
    •__ comes from the Trinity.
    •__ tells us
    ---__is: reasonable, for the common good, from competent authority, and promulgated.
    • Moral Law
    • Trinity
    • St. Thomas Aquinas
    • Law
  26. __:
    •The light of understanding in each one of us given to us at creation by God.
    •1. __.
    •2. __.
    •3. __.

    •__ is universal, permanent and unchanging. Applies to all peoples.
    • preserve life
    • develop as individuals/ communities
    • share life
    • Natural Life
  27. ___:
    •Made up of Old Law and Law of the Gospel, the Civil Law and Church Law.
    revealed law
  28. __:
    •The Law of Moses
    •The Decalogue---Ten Commandments.
    The Old Law
  29. __:
    •The Gospel of Jesus Christ
    –The Two Greatest Commandments.

    •The Sermon on the Mount

    •The Law of love, grace and freedom.
    The New Life
  30. __:

    •The Six Precepts of the Church
    –The minimal obligation of faithful Catholics.

    __: officially established rules for governing the Church.
    • church law
    • canon law
  31. __:
    •Taking natural law and applying it to society.
    civil law
Card Set
Law as A Guide to Freedom
Freedom and Responsibility