Chapter 1: Word Building Rules

  1. Medical words consist of what three basic components?
    word roots, prefixes, suffixes
  2. What is a word root?
    A word root is the basic foundation of a word, to which component parts are added. By adding other elements to the word root, the meaning of the word changes.
  3. What does the word root cardi mean?
  4. What does the word root dermat mean?
  5. Define cardiologist and identify word components.
    One who specializes in the study of the heart. word root: cardi, suffix: --logist (one who specializes), combining vowel: o
  6. Define cardiology and identify word components.
    the study of the heart; -logy (the study of) is the suffix, o is the combining vowel.
  7. Define Carditis and identify word components.
    inflammation of the heart; -itis (inflammation) is the suffix
  8. Define Cardiac and identify word components.
    pertaining to the heart; -ac (pertaining to) is the suffix
  9. Define dermatosis and identify word components.
    condition of the skin; -osis (condition) is a word root.
  10. Define acrodermatitis and identify word components.
    inflammation of the skin of the extremities, -itis (inflammation) is a suffix, dermat is a word root, acr (extremities) is a word root, o is the combining vowel.
  11. Define hypodermic and identify word components.
    pertaining to under the skin, -ic (pertaining to) is a suffix, hypo- (under) is a prefix.
  12. What is a combining form?
    A combining form is created when a word root is combined with a vowel. The combining vowel is usually an o, sometimes an i
  13. Why do you use a combining vowel when forming a word?
    It helps in pronunciation by allowing the word to flow as opposed to being choppy without the vowel.
  14. What is a compound word?
    When a word has more than one word root. Usually, a combining vowel is used to separate the word roots even when they begin with a vowel, but there are alwaus exceptions!
  15. Define cardiomyopathy and identify word components.
    any disease that affects the structure and function of the heart; there are 2 word roots cardi (heart) and my (muscle). -pathy is the suffix, the combining vowels are the o in between each root.
  16. Define myoelectric and identify word components.
    pertaining to the electrical properties of the muscle; root= my (muscle), root= electr (electric), suffix= -ic (pertaining to), vowel= o
  17. Define lymphadenopathy and identify word components.
    any disease of the lymph nodes; root= lymph (meaning lymph) root= aden (gland) suffix=pathy (disease), vowel= o
  18. Define megalocardia and identify word components.
    enlargement of the heart; root= megal (enlargement), root= card (heart), suffix= ia
  19. What is a suffix?
    A suffix is a word element attached to the end of a word root.
  20. Define cardialgia and identify word elements.
    pain in the heart; -algia (pain) is the suffix, cardi (heart)is the word root. Note: no combining vowel used since the suffix begins with a vowel.
  21. Define cardiocentesis and identify word elements.
    surgical puncture of the heart; -centesis (surgical puncture) is the suffix, cardi (heart) is the word root. Note: the combining vowel was used because the suffix begins with a consonant.
  22. What is a prefix?
    A prefix is a word element added at the beginning of a word, they attach directly to the beginning of the word.
  23. Define endocardium and identify word elements.
    within the heart, the inner lining of the heart; endo- (within) is a prefix, -um (structure, tissue) is a noun suffix.
  24. Define intracardiac and identify word elements.
    pertaining to within the heart; intra- (within) is a prefix, -ac (pertaining to) is an adjective suffix.
  25. Define pericardial and identify word elements.
    pertaining to around the heart; peri- (around) is a prefix, -al (pertaining to) is an adjective suffix.
  26. Define anuria and identify word elements.
    absence of urine; an- (without or adsence of) is a prefix, -ia (condition) is a noun suffix.
  27. Define dysuria and identify word elements.
    Painful or difficult urination; dys- (difficult or painful) is a prefix, -ia (condition) is a noun suffix.
  28. Define polyuria and identify word elements.
    excessive amount of urine; poly- (excessive or more then normal) is a prefix, -ia (condition) is a noun suffix.
  29. Can a medical term be constructed with only a prefix and suffix?
    yes. example: apnea; composed of the prefix a- (without) and the suffix -pnea (breathing).
  30. How do you define a medical word?
    the definition of a medical word usually begins with defining the suffix first and reading backward through the word to define it. When a medical word has a prefix, definition begins with the suffix first, the prefix second and the roots last.
  31. Define hyperhidrosis.
    condition (-osis) or excessive (hyper-) sweating (hidr)
  32. Define hypoglycemia.
    blood condition (-emia) of low or less than normal (hypo-) sugar (glyc)
  33. Define cardiopulmonary.
    pertaining to (-ary) the heart (cardi) and lungs (pulmon). the o is a combining vowel for the 2 word roots.
  34. Define hysterosalpingectomy.
    removal of (-ectomy) the uterus (hyster) and fallopian tubes (salping). The o is a combining vowel for the 2 word roots.
  35. Define nasopharyngitis.
    inflammation (-itis) of the nose (nas) and throat (pharyng). The o is a combining vowel for the 2 word roots.
  36. What is an eponym?
    An eponym is a name for a disease, organ, procedure, or body function that is derived from the name of a person.
  37. What are three examples of eponyms?
    Parkinson's disease, Cushing's syndrome, and Hodgkin's disease.
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Chapter 1: Word Building Rules
basic components of words. prefix/suffix/word roots