pharm chap. 3 & 4

  1. five characterisitics of pediatric patients that play a significant role in the selection of medications and apropriate dosages
    • *skin is thiner and more permeable
    • *stomach lacks acid to kill bacteria
    • *lungs have weaker mucus barrier
    • *body temp. is less regulated and dehydration occurs easily
    • *liver and kidneys are immature and so drugs metablism and excreation are impaired
  2. pharmokenetics in pediactic patient in absorption
    • *gastric pH is less acidic
    • *gastric emptying is slowed
    • *first-pass elimination by the liver
    • *intramuscular absorptionis faster and irregular
  3. pharmacokinetics in pediaric patient in distribution
    • *Total body water more
    • *fat content is lower
    • *protein binding is decreased
    • *more drugs enter blood brain barrier
  4. pharmacokinetics in pediactric patient in metabolism
    • *Levels of microsoma enzymes are decreased
    • *older children may have increased metabolism
    • *status of liver enzyme production
  5. pharmacokinetics in pediactic in excretion
    • *glomerular filtration ran and tubular secretion and resorption are decreased
    • *perfusion of the kidney
  6. pharmacokentics for the elderly (cardio)
    • lower cardiac output= lower absorption and distribution
    • lower blood flow = lower absorption and distribution
  7. Required drug manufacturers to list on the drug product lable presence of dangerous and possibly addicting substances
    Federal food and drugs act (ffda 1906)
  8. prohibited fraudulent claims for drug products
    Sherley admendment (1912)
  9. established the legal ter narcotic and regulated the manufacture and sale of habit forming drugs
    harrison narcotic act (1914)
  10. required drug manufactureers to provide data providing drug safety with FDA review; established IND application process
    Durham-Humphrey amendment (1951)
  11. required manufactures to demonstrate both therapeutic efficacy and safety of new drugs
    Kefauver-harris amendments
  12. established scheduals for controlled substances
    controlled substance act
  13. enabled FDA to promote research and marketing of orphan drugs used to treat rare diseases
    orphan drug act
  14. enabled faster approval by fda of drugs treat life threatening illnesses
    Accelerated drug review regulations
  15. self determination and the ability to act on ones own
  16. the ethical principle of doing or actively promoteing good
  17. the duty to respect privileged info about a patient
  18. the ethical principle of being fair or equal in one's actions
  19. the duty to do no harm to a patient
  20. the duty to tell the truth
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pharm chap. 3 & 4
test #1