1. Steps to calculate MUFL?
    • 1. calculate QNE (= Pressure Alt of AD = ELEV-(QNH-1013)x30)
    • 2. calculate ISA dev
    • 3. calculate True Height->apply Temp. correction (4%)
    • 4. add QNE
    • 5. round up to next level
  2. TO Alternate required, if...
    • no return possible for met or perf reasons
    • max distance: 1h at 1 Eng out speed (300NM)
  3. No Dest Altn required, if... (7)
    • max 6h flight time
    • visibility min 5 km
    • ceiling min 2000ft or circling height +500ft
    • no shallow fog, no TS no heavy precipitation
    • wind below max
    • two separate runways
    • dest is isolated (Altn+FR>fuel to fly for 2h at normal cruise consumption abv Dest)
    • PROB must be considered
  4. Two Dest Altn required, if...
    • no WX info
    • WX info below min
  5. Planning Minima for Dest?
    • RVR/VIS
    • Wind components
    • for NP+Circling: ceiling
  6. Planning Minima for TO Altn?
    • RVR/VIS
    • Wind components
    • for NP+Circling: ceiling
  7. Planning Minima for Dest Altn?
    • CAT II and III -> CAT I
    • CATI -> NP RVR + ceiling
    • NP -> NP RVR + 1000m and ceiling +200ft
    • Circling -> Circling
  8. BECMG or TEMPO?
    • MUST be considered
    • except TEMPO in C.I.S states may be used with 1h of extra fuel for Dest or Dest Altn planning
    MAY be considered
  10. TREND last for how long?
  11. Min WX for flight to AD without avail. Instrument Approach Procedure?
    • Ceiling: not below MSA
    • Visibility: 8km or more
  12. Minimum Fire Fighting Category -500?
  13. Minimum Fire Fighting Category -300?
  14. Recommended Fire Fighting Category -300?
  15. Recommended Fire Fighting Category -500?
  16. Dispatch based on RNAV Approach?
    • non GNSS based Approach at Altn.
    • verify Satellite coverage for ETA +/- 15min
    • RAIM outages have to be checked
  17. TO Minima: Wann darf RWY abgerollt werden?
    • reported VIS below and RVR not reported
    • VIS and RVR not reported
  18. TO Minima: Pilot RVR assessment of initial part not allowed if...
    for Cat C if RVR < 150m
  19. CM1 must perform TO if RVR below...
  20. CAT I minima?
    200ft / 550m
  21. LOC,LOC BC, LDA Minima?
    250ft / 750m
  22. SRA (terminating 1/2NM) Minima?
    250ft / 750m
  23. SRA (terminating 1NM) Minima?
    300ft / 750m
  24. SRA (terminating 2NM) Minima?
    350ft / 900m
  25. RNAV (VNAV) Minima?
    250ft / 600m
  26. RNAV (LNAV) Minima?
    300ft / 750m
  27. VOR Minima?
    300ft / 750m
  28. VOR/DME Minima?
    250ft / 750m
  29. NDB Minima?
    350ft / 900m
  30. NDB/DME Minima?
    300ft / 750m
  31. An RVR of less than 750m may be used:
    for CAT I when conducting an AP coupled approach or a FD-flown approach
  32. An min RVR/VIS of 1200m is applicable for NP approaches, if: (3)
    • DH equal to or higher than 1200ft
    • vertical profile up to and including 3.77°
    • final approach track offset by more than 5°
  33. FALS?
    Precision approach CAT I light system (HIALS >= 720m), distance coded CL, barrette CL
  34. IALS?
    Simple approach light system (HIALS 420-719m), single source, barrette
  35. BALS?
    any other approach light system (HIALS, MIALS or ALS 210-419m)
  36. NALS?
    any other approach light system (HIALS, MIALS or ALS <210m) or no approach lights
  37. Length of standard ALS?
  38. CAT II Minima?
    100ft / 300m
  39. CAT IIIa Minima?
    50ft / 200m
  40. Circling or Side Step Approach Minima?
    600ft / 2400m
  41. Visual Approach Minima?
  42. Conversion of report. VIS not allowed, if... (4)
    • not for TO
    • not when reported
    • not for any RVR minimum less than 800m
    • "R"shown on IAC
  43. Lights required for TO at night?
    • RWY Edge Lights
    • RWY End Lights (or colour coded CL/edge lights)
  44. Lights required for Instrument Approach at night (NP+CATI)?
    • Threshold Lights
    • RWY Edge Lights
    • RWY End Lights (or colour coded CL/edge lights)
  45. Lights required for CATII Approach at night?
    • RWY Edge Lights
    • RWY End Lights (or colour coded CL/edge lights)
  46. Lights required for CATIII Approach at night?
    • RWY Edge Lights
    • RWY CL Lights
    • RWY End Lights (or colour coded CL/edge lights)
  47. Lights required for Visual/Circling at night?
    • Threshold Lights
    • RWY Edge Lights
  48. Types of Reserve Fuel?
    • Cont
    • Altn
    • FR
    • Additional Fuel
  49. Cont Fuel requirements:
    • higher of a) or b)
    • A: 5% / 3% with en-route Altn / 20min of fuel based upon planned trip fuel consumption
    • B: fuel to fly for 5min at holding speed in 1500ft above dest. aerodrome (MINCONT)
  50. Additional Fuel used for:
    • drift down
    • 15min if operating without Dest Altn
    • fuel to cover predicted RAIM outages, when only RNAV available at Dest
  51. Types of Fuel:
    • Taxi
    • Trip
    • Reserve (4)
    • Extra (anticipated deviations)
    • MAX Allowed TOW
    • MAX Allowed LW + TF
  53. New Loadsheet MUST be issued, if...
    +/- 1000kg or 10 Pax
  54. CTOT valid for...
    minus 5 min to plus 10 min
  55. Slot Extension?
    dispatch vor geg. slot anrufen -> slot kann um 10 min nach hinter geschoben werden
  56. A new OFP MAY be required, if...
    difference more than 3000kg
  57. Clearance to maintain "own separation in VMC" may be accepted, if...(5)
    • relevant traffic can be identified and kept in sight
    • sufficient separation is assured at all times
    • during hours of daylight (FRA night as well)
    • VMC can be maintained
    • traffic information provided by ATC
  58. Max bank angles?
    • 10° below 300ft
    • 15° between 300ft and 500ft
    • 30° above 500ft
    • do not exceed 25° for Pax comfort
  59. Requirements for Flight below Minimum Altitudes?
    • Radar Guidance
    • Contour Layer Charts
    • Confirmed Airplane Position
    • 1000ft clearance at all times
  60. Runway is considered contaminated, if...
    more than 25% of required length and width being used is covered
  61. When snow has been removed from RWY, minimum cleared width...
  62. Wake Turbulence Separation for TO (radar available)?
    • J - M: 7NM
    • H - M: 5NM
  63. Wake Turbulence Separation for LND (radar available)?
    • J - M: 7NM
    • H - M: 5NM
  64. Wake Turbulence Separation for LND (radar N/A)?
    • J - M: 3min
    • H - M: 2min
  65. Wake Turbulence Separation for TO (radar N/A)?
    • J - M: 3min
    • H - M: 2min
  66. Wake Turbulence Separation for intersection TO (radar N/A)?
    • J - M: 4min
    • H - M: 3min
  67. "Hold short of RWY...", without markings hold at least:
    70m clear of the active RWY
  68. Cold Temperature Correction should be applied, if...
    Airport OAT < 0° (4% per 10° ISA deviation)
  69. Aeroplane stabilization on Final (1000ft)
    • landing config
    • target speed
    • adequate power (35%)
    • ROD
    • for circling 500ft
  70. Swing over may be accepted, provided:
    • landing RWY is clearly visible
    • Aeroplane will be aligned on Cl and fully established in slot not later than 500ft above Threshold
  71. RVR requirements for Precision Approaches:
    • in front of OM: 0m / 0m / 0m
    • at OM: Min acc. IAC / 125m / 75m
    • behind OM: 75m / 125m / 75m
    • Mid and End RVRs only controlling if party of high speed regime (>60kt)
    • TD RVR may be substituted by next RVR in approach direction
  72. RVR requirements for Non-Precision Approaches:
    • in front of OM: 0m / 0m / 0m
    • at OM: Min / Min / Min
    • behind OM: 400m / 400m / 400m
  73. TD should be achieved...
    • at 1000ft
    • latest at 3000ft, if not -> GA
  74. Do not use VASI/PAPI below...
  75. Crew must use Oxy Masks if...
    • CA above 10000ft for more than 30min
    • CA exceeds 13000ft
    • always one CM if operating above FL410
  76. Overweight Landing: Aeroplane certified to touch down at MLAW with...
    360 ft/min => no structural problems
  77. Minimum Visual Reference (NP + CAT I): (10)
    • elements of approach light system
    • threshold
    • threshold markings
    • threshold lights
    • threshold ident lights
    • visual glideslope indicator
    • touchdown zone lights
    • runway edge lights
    • Min visual segment: 3 CL-lights/barrettes of ALS and either one crossbar of the ALS or threshold lights
  78. Minimum Visual Reference (CAT II): (5)
    • centerline of approach lights
    • touchdown zone lights
    • runway centerline lights
    • runway edge lights
    • combination of these is attained and can be maintained
    • Min visual segment: 3 CL-lights/barrettes of ALS and either one crossbar of the ALS or threshold lights or barrette of touchdown zone lighting of landing runway
  79. Minimum Visual Reference (CAT III a):
    • at least 3 consecutive lights of:
    • centerline lights of approach lights
    • touchdown zone lights
    • runway centerline lights
    • runway edge lights
    • combination of these is attained and can be maintained
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