Pilot Exam - Systems

  1. 3657 Should it become necessary to hand prop an airplane engine, it is extremely important that a competent pilot;

    C. Be at the controls in the cockpit.
  2. 3656 What should be the first action after starting an aircraft engine?

    A. Adjust for proper RPM and check for desired indications on the engine gauges.
  3. 3223 One purpose of the dual ignition system on an aircraft engine is to provide for

    C. Improved engine performance.
  4. 3223-1 An electrical system failure (battery and alternator) occurs during flight. In this situation, you would

    B. Experience avionics equipment failure.
  5. 3225 The operating principle of flat type carburetors is based on the

    A. Difference in air pressure at the venturi throat and the air inlet.
  6. 3226 The basic purpose of adjusting the fuel/air mixure at altitude is to

    A. Decrease the fuel flow in order to compensate for decreased air density.
  7. 3228 While cruising at 9500 feet MAL, the fuel/air mixture is properly adjusted. What will occur is the descent to 4500 feet ML is made without readjusting the mixture?

    C. The fuel air mixture may become excessively lean.
  8. 3227 During the run-up at high elevation airport, a pilot notes a slight engine roughness that is not affected by the magneto check but grows worse during the carburetor heat check. Under these circumstances, what would be the most logical initial action?

    A. check the results obtained with a leaner setting of the mixture.
  9. 3231 If an aircraft is equipped with a fixed-pitch propeller and a float -type carburetor, the first indication of a carburetor ice would most likely be

    C. Loss of RPM.
  10. 3235 The presence of carburetor ice in an aircraft equipped with a fixed pitch propeller can be verified by applying carburetor heat and noting

    B. A decrease in RPM and then a gradual increase in RPM.
  11. 3229 Which condition is most favorable to development of cabruretor icing?

    A. Temperature between 20 and 70 F and high humidity.
  12. 3230 The possibility of carburetor icing exists even when the ambient air temperature is as

    B. high as 70 F and the relative humidity is high.
  13. 3232 Applying carburetor heat will

    A. Enrich the fuel air mixture.
  14. 3233 What change occurs in the fuel air mixture when carburetor heat is applied?

    C. The fuel air mixture becomes richer.
  15. 3234 Generally speaking, the use of carburetor heat tends to

    C. Decrease engine performance.
  16. 3236 With regard to carburetor ice, float type carburetor systems in comparison to fuel injection systems are generally considered to be

    A. More susceptible to icing.
    B Equally susceptible to icing.
    C. susceptible to icing only when visible moisture is present.
    A. More susceptible to icing.
  17. 3224 On aircraft equipped with fuel pumps, when is the auxiliary electric driven pump used?

    B. In the event engine driven fuel pump fails.
  18. 3237 If the grade of fuel used in an aircraft engine is lower than specified for the engine, it wil most likely cause

    A. Detonation.
  19. 3238 Detonation may occur at high power settings when

    A. The fuel mixture ignites instantaneously instead of burning progressively and evenly.
  20. 3238-1 Detonation occurs in a reciprocating aircraft engine when

    C. The unburned charge in the cylinders explodes instead of burning normally.
  21. 3240 The uncontrolled firing of the fuel air charge in advance of normal spark ignition is known as

    A. Pre-ignition.
  22. 3242 What type fuel can be substituted for aircraft if the recommended octane is not available?

    A. The next higher octane aviation gas.
  23. 3243 Filling the fuel tanks after the last flight of the day is considered a good operating procedure because this will

    C. Prevent moisture condensation by eliminating airspace in the tanks.
  24. 3243-1 To properly purge water from the fuel system of an aircraft equipped with fuel tank sumps and a fuel strainer quick drain, it is necessary to drain fuel from the

    B. Fuel strainer drain and the fuel tank sumps.
  25. 3239 If a pilot suspects that the engine (with a fixed pitch propeller) is detonating during climb out after takeoff, the initial corrective action to take would be to

    B. Lower the nose slightly to increase airspeed.
  26. 3221 Excessively high engine temperatures will

    A. Cause loss of power, excessive oil consumption, and possible permanent internal engine damage.
  27. 3222 If the engine oil temperature and cylinder head temperature gauges have exceeded their normal operating range, the pilot may have been operating with

    A. Too much power and with the mixture set too lean.
  28. 3241 Which would most likely cause the cylinder head temperature and engine oil temperature gauges to exceed their normal operating ranges?

    C. Using fuel that has a lower than specified fuel rating.
  29. 3244 For internal cooling, reciprocating aircraft engines are especially dependent on

    B. The circulation of lubricating oil.
  30. 3245 An abnormally high engine oil temperature indication may be caused by

    B. The oil level being too low.
  31. 3651 What action can a pilot take to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating during a climb?

    B. Reduce rate of climb and increase airspeed.
  32. 3652 What is one procedure to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating?

    B. Enrichen the fuel mixture.
  33. 3711 The most important rule to remember in the event of a power failure after becoming airborne is to

    A. Immediately establish the proper gliding attitude and airspeed.
  34. 3653 How is engine operation controlled on an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller?

    C. The throttle controls power output as registered o the manifold pressure gauge and the propeller control regulates engine RPM.
  35. 3654 What is an advantage of a constant speed propeller?

    A. Permits the pilot to select the blade angle for the most efficient performance.
  36. 3655 A precaution for the operation of an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller is to

    B. Avoid high manifold pressure settings with low RPM
  37. 3207 In what flight condition is torque effect the greatest in a single engine airplane.?

    C. Low airspeed, high power, high angle of attack.
  38. 3208 The left turning tendency of an airplane caused by P factor is the result of the

    A. Clockwise rotation of the engine and the propeller turning the airplane counter clockwise.
    B. Propeller blade descending on the right, producing more thrust than the ascending blades on the left.
    C. Gyroscopic forces applied to the rotating propeller blades acting 90 degrees in advance of the point the force is applied.
    B. Propeller blade descending on the right, producing more thrust than the ascending blades on the left.
  39. 3209 When does P factor cause the airplane to yaw to the left?

    A. When at high angles of attack.
  40. 3658 During the preflight inspection who is responsible for determining the aircraft is safe for flight?

    A. The pilot in command.
  41. 3659 How should an aircraft prefight inspection be accomplished for the first flight of the day?

    A. Thorough and systematic means recommended by the manufacturer.
  42. 3660 Who is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in airworthy condition?

    C. Owner or operator.
Card Set
Pilot Exam - Systems
2011 Practice test for Private Pilot Exam