pharm chapter 1 & 2

    • 1.gram
    • 2.medication administration record
    • 3.microgram
    • 4.mililitters
  2. What is the nursing plangs order to drug therapy?
    • 1.Assessment
    • 2.Nursing Diagnoses
    • 3.Planning
    • 4.Implementation
    • 5.Evaluation
  3. Objective and subjective data collected
  4. Analyzes objective and subjective data
    nursing diagnoses
  5. Identification of goals and outcome criteria, provides time frames and is patient oriented.
  6. Nurse intervenes on behalf of the patient to adrress specific patient problems and needs.
  7. nursing process that includes monitoring whether patient goals and outcome criteria related to nursing diagnoses are met.
  8. patients five rights of drug therapy
    • right drug
    • right dose
    • right time
    • right route
    • right patient
  9. the length of time a drug concentration is sufficient to elicit a therapeutic responcce
  10. the time it takes for a drug to reach its maximum therapeutic responce in the body
    peak effect
  11. the time it takes for drug to elicit a therapeutic responce
    onset of action
  12. drug interaction in which the effect of a combination of two or more drugs with similar actions is greater that the sum of the individual effects of the same drugs given alone
  13. drug interaction in which the effect of a combination of two or more drugs with similar actions is equivalent to sum of the individual effects of the same drugs given alone
  14. these drugs effects result in structural defects in the unborn fetus
  15. drug therepy used for the treatment of cchronic illnesses
    maintenance therapy
  16. a genetically determined abnormal response to ordinary does of a drug
  17. the initial metabolism in the liver of a drug that is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, before the drug reaches systemic circulation through the bloodstream
    first pass effect
  18. therapy that supplies the body with a substance to maintain normal function
    supplemental therapy
  19. therapy that maintains the the integrity of body functions while patient is recovering from illness or trauma
    supportive therapy
  20. thrapy used to prevent illness or other undesirable effect
    prophylactic therapy
  21. any undesirable occurrence related to administering or failing to administer a prescribed medication
    adverse drug event
  22. any unexpected unintended or exccessive response to medication given at therapeutic dosages
    adverse drug reaction
  23. any undesirable bodily effects thate are direct response to one or more drugs
    adverse effects
  24. a measure of the extent of drug absorption
  25. one or more biochical reaction involvling parent drug
  26. the studey of the biochemical and physiologic interactions of drugs at their sites of activity
  27. the study of drugs that are obtained from natural plant and animal sources
  28. the rate of drug distrabution among various body compartments after the drug has entered the body
    • pharacokinetics
    • ADME
  29. the ratio between the toxic and therapeutic concentrations of a drug. low means smaller space and more toxic
    therapeutic index
  30. the lowest concentration of drug reached in the body after it falls from its peak level
    trough level
  31. where does absorption take place
    • *small intestine
    • *intravienously
  32. major site of distribution
    *heart or blood flow
  33. major site of metabolism
    the liver
  34. major site of excretion
    renal tubuals
  35. if a drug binds with an enzyme and thereby prevents the enzyme from binding to its normal target cell it will produce an effect known as
    enzyme interaction
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pharm chapter 1 & 2
test # 1