New Born

  1. Respiratory
    • Mechanical changes = thorax compression
    • Chemical changes = asphyxia
    • a decrease in pH and PO2 does serve as a chemical stimulator for breathing
    • an increase in PCO2 does trigger the inspiratory gasp at birth in the newborn
    • Thermal changes = Temp
    • Sensory Changes = touch, light. sound, pressure
  2. Cardio
    • Decreased pulmonary vascular resistance
    • ^ blood flow
    • ^ systemic pressure/ closure of ductus venosus
    • ^ left atrium
    • Decreased right atrium
    • closure of foramen ovale
    • Reversal of blood flow through ductus anteriosus
    • ^ PO2
    • closure of arteriosus
  3. a newborn with bruising or a cephalhematoma is at increased risk of...
    hyperbilirubinemia due to the breakdown of excess RBCs.
  4. A client with a slightly jaundiced infant has
    received discharge instructions. Which statement indicates that she
    understands the mechanism for bilirubin excretion?
    I have to feed the baby frequently and count the number of dirty diapers
  5. I’ve heard that babies can get dehydrated easily. I’m
    breastfeeding; should I give my baby extra water too?” the nurse
    correctly replies:
    The immature newborn kidneys have trouble concentrating and diluting the urine in the early months. By the 4th day of life, if the baby is wetting 6 diapers a day and nursing every 2-3 hours, the baby is getting enough fluids.
  6. A mother is taking her infant home during flu season
    and has asked the nurse many questions about avoiding infections. Which
    statements indicate an understanding of the nurse’s explanations?
    "One of the first signs of illness in a newborn is lethargy.”

    “I must ask everyone who holds the baby to wash their hands first.”
  7. grunting and retractions are associated with...
    respiratory distress and should be reported
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New Born