Poetic Tools

  1. speaker
    the voice in the poem; may be poet of character created by poet
  2. tone
    attitude writer takes and subject, character, and readers
  3. mood
    The prevailing mood or feeling of literary work
  4. diction
    writers choice
  5. denotation
    literal or "dictionary" meaning of a word
  6. connotation
    the emotion or associations that a word or phrase convey
  7. Imagery
    Language that appeals to any sense of combination of senses: visual, sound, touch, smell, taste
  8. Literal Language
  9. Figurative Language
    not intended to be interpreted in literal sense
  10. metaphor
    comparison between 2 unlike things with the intent of giving added meaning to one EXTENDED METAPHOR
  11. simile
    compare between 2 dissimilar things through use of specific word of comparison using like or as
  12. oxymoron
    a figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory ideas or terms
  13. personification
    animal, objected, natural force or idea given human characteristics
  14. apostrophe
    a figure of speech in which an absent of dead person, an abstract quality, or something non-human is addressed directly
  15. Symbolism
    object, person, place or action that has meaning in itself and that also stands for something larger that itself
  16. allusion
    reference in one work of literature to a person place or ecen in another work of literature, history, art, music
  17. Rhyme
    repetition of sound 2 or more words or that appear close to each other in poem: pattern of rhythm
  18. end rhyme
    rhyme at the end of lines
  19. internal rhyme
    rhyme occurs within a line
  20. Exact or Perfect
    rhymes such as look, book and hear, near
  21. slant or approximate
    rhyme in which final sounds of the words are similar, but not identical cook/lack
  22. Alliteration
    repetition of similar sounds, usually consonants clusters in group of words
  23. assonance
    repetition of similar vowel sounds, usually close together in group of words
  24. consonance
    repetition of similar consonant sounds in a group of words
  25. onomatopoeia
    use of word whose should in some degree imitates or suggest its meaning
  26. Rhythm
    arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables into a pattern
  27. meter
    a general regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables into a pattern
  28. Iambic Pentameter
    most common verse line in English poetry. Fie verse feet with each foot and Iamb (an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable)
  29. sonnet
    14 line lyric poem usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter
  30. Shakespearean Sonnet
    14 lines lyric poem with 3 quatrains and couples ( ABAB CDCD EFEF GG)
  31. Petrarchan or Italian sonnet
    14 lyric poem with 2 parts: octave and sestet
  32. Spenserian sonnet
    14 line lyric poem (ababbcccdcdee)
  33. Pastoral poetry
    a type of poem that deals in an idealized way with shepherds and rustic life
  34. anti-pastoral
    realistic tone; opposite of idealized pastoral
  35. free verse
    poetry with no fixed meter or pattern that depends on natural speech rhythms
Card Set
Poetic Tools
english poetic terms