Religion III

  1. Agnostic/Agnosticism
    • good doubters
    • math, science, and strong witnessable experiences bring real knowledge, while faith rests on fickle feelings
  2. Atheism/Atheist
    • Belief that God does not exist.
    • religion = bad
    • science etc = good (source of understanding)
  3. monotheist
    belief in one God
  4. Polytheist
    Belief in many Gods
  5. Pantheist
    belief that everything in the universe is divine
  6. Canon
    • originally "measured reed"
    • texts used to measure or set or establish or act as authorative for some community
  7. Fundamentalist
    someone reacting against new ideas
  8. Liberal
    • someone who stresses:
    • - individual sense of who God is
    • -an acceptance of other faiths
    • -a human veiw of the bible
    • -a negative veiw of hell
    • -modern issues (i.e. equal rights for women, homosexuals)
    • -likes new technology, John Lennon, and Buddhism
  9. Conservatives
    • stress:
    • -a traditional, communal, historic sense of who God is
    • -the differences between our faith and others
    • -the Authority and Divine origin of the Bible
    • -the consequences of evil
    • -traditional issues like morality and the family
    • -likes antiques, nationalism, and Islam
  10. Orthodox
    • ortho = right
    • doxa = belief
    • most conservative groups
  11. Exclusivism/Option One
    the belief that only my religion is right and my religion is the only path to salvation
  12. Fulfillment Theory/soft Exclusivism/option two
    christianity is the fulfillment of all other positive religions
  13. Inclusivism/anonymous Christian Theory
    the belief that one religion is best but others can be pretty good and even lead to salvation
  14. pluralism/dialogue in the truth (Kung)
    all religions lead to salvation, each one as good as any other, yet we must point to the uniqueness of Jesus not the exclusiveness
  15. Universalism/Relativism
    we all have our own truth when it comes to religion
  16. Anatman
    "no self" there is no soul. one of three characteristics of existance: impermanence, suffering, and no-self
  17. Atman (Hindu term)
  18. Karma
    Law of cause and effect - what you do comes back to you
  19. Hinduism
    Western term for the religions of ideas (other than Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, Jain, etc.)
  20. Advaita
    Non-duality - the idea that all is ultimately one. Pantheism is the Western term for this Indian idea
  21. Dharma
    Law or Duty or path - law Karma follows
  22. Krishna
    Hindu god who is the incarnation of Vishnu
  23. Moksha
    (compare to heaven and nirvana) - Hindu heaven - release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth
  24. Samsara
    cycle of death, birth, rebirth, etc - this passing physical world
  25. Vishnu
    Hindu god
  26. Bodhisattva
    in Mahayana Buddhism it is a person who is striving toward enlightenment and puts enlightenment off so that he/she can help others on their path - they share their merit with others
  27. Buddha
  28. Dali Lama
    literally "great ocean leader" - the highest Lama or spiritual guide in the Tibetan Buddhism
  29. Bardo
    (Tibetian Buddhism) - this is the state one is in (always passing) now we are in the bardo of existence
  30. Dependent Origination
    link between moments as they arise and decay in the endless, impermanent flow of existence...the phrase explains how ego-ridden existence perceives cause and effect
  31. Dharma
    That which is firmly established or doctrinal or orthodox. The path taught by the Buddha
  32. Eight Fold Path
    middle way between worldliness and asceticism
  33. Four Noble Truths
    • 1. there is suffering
    • 2. suffering is caused by desire
    • 3. the cessation of suffering is possible
    • 4. following this path will stop suffering
  34. Mahayana
    "greater vehicle" - refers to northern Buddhism which sees that the way to enlightenment is open to all
  35. Nirvana
    "blowing out of a flame" - marks the end of suffering and freedom from rebirth
  36. Pure Land
    • paradise established by the Amitabha Buddha by reason of his great merit and compassion for suffering beings who by faith may enter this paradise at death.
    • It is also the name of a Buddhist sect in Japan - Jodo
  37. Rain Retreat
    when Theravada monks remain in the monastery and intensify their discipline and study
  38. Sangha
  39. Theravada
    the way of the elders, southern Budhism that seems to stress the grace of a Buddha
  40. Zen
    Japanese sect of sitting meditation - seek a state of no mind
  41. TULIP
    • -Total Depravity
    • -Unconditional Election
    • -Limited Atonement
    • -Irresistible Grace
    • -Perseverance of the Saints
  42. Muslim and Islam
    roots mean peace, but both really mean submission
  43. Five pillars of Islam
    • -Confession (there is no God but god, Muhammad is his prophet)
    • -Salat - prayer five times a day
    • -Give to the poor
    • -Fast during Ramadan
    • -Hajj - trip to Mecca
  44. The Quran is to Islam as
    _______ is to Christianity
    Jesus - although both Quran and Bible are books since most Muslims see the Koran as perfect (the path of salvation), a perfect copy of something in heaven, and taken into the believer...
  45. Christian theory of Organic Inspiration vs Islamic Dictation Inspiration
    • Organic Inspiration - God works through the lives and histories of the writers (hundreds of writers over many years)
    • Dictation Inspiration - God puts exact words in the head of the writer (Muhammad over a few years)
  46. Ka'ba
    Big black box
  47. Hajj
    Pilgrimage to Mecca
  48. Salat
    Prayer (5 times a day)
  49. Shi'a vs Sunni
    • Shi'a - smaller sect of Islam - found in Iran and Southern Iraq mainly - 12 leaders from Muhammad's family, await the return of the 12th Immam
    • Sunni - majority - 85-90% - follow the will of the community
  50. 500 year theory of Church History
    • 500 BC - The life of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)
    • 70 - Israel destroyed
    • 325 - Nicea says Jesus is God and man alive
    • 622 - Islam begins their calendar
    • 1054 - Eastern and Western churches split
    • 1517 - reformation
    • 1776 - rise of modernism
    • 1859 - Darwin publishes Origin of Species
    • 1920s - rise of fundamentalism against modernism
    • 1948 - Israel again becomes a state
  51. Missiology
    Theory of missions
  52. Koran
    written down by Uthman
  53. Siddharta Guatama
    Spoiled and never allowed to see pain, saw pain when he was about 30, sought to discover a way out of suffering, tried the Hindu way (didn't work), then found a middle way - became the Buddha or Enlightened One
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Religion III
Exam Review for Religion III