Art History chap 19 continued

    • Lorenzo Ghiberti
    • Jacob and Esau
    • Gilt bronze
    • Nanni di Banco
    • 4 Crowned Martyrs
    • Marble
    • Donatello
    • David
    • Bronze
    • Antonio del Pollaiuolo
    • Hercules and Antaeus
    • Bronze
    • Massaccio
    • Tribute Money
    • Fresco
    • Paoulo Ucello
    • Battle of San Romano
    • Tempera on panel
    • Andrea del Castagno
    • The Last Supper
    • Fresco
    • Giuliano da Maiano
    • Studiolo of Federico da Montefeltro
    • Interior Design
    • Piero della Francesca
    • Baptism of Christ
    • Tempera on panel
    • Andrea Mantegna
    • The Camera Picta (Oculus)
    • Fresco
    • Perugino
    • Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter
    • Fresco
    • Domenico Ghirlandaio
    • Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds
    • Fresco
    • Sandro Botticelli
    • Primavera
    • Tempera on panel
    • Giovanni Bellini
    • St. Francis in Ecstasy
    • Oil and Tempera on panel
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Art History chap 19 continued
blah blah blah