Define: Line
- -Describes the edge of something
- -Non-exsistent
Define: Silhouette
- -Silhouette = shadow
- -Featureless on the inside
- -Outer edge
Contour Line
A thin, crisp line that is definite to what it is
Blind Contour Line
- Produced without looking at paper
- Looking at what is being drawn but not actual drawing
Variations of Line
Different types of line
The distance of an area between, around, above, below or within something.
Positive Space
- The space in which the drawing is taking up
Negative Space
- The space that is not taken up by the drawing
- (black space)
Illusion of Space
When a painting creates an illusion of the amount of space it has
What is actually being painted
example: a painting of a open beach vs. a painting of a lady in a chair = beach, more space.
The feeling an object has, ex. smooth, rough, hard, shiny, soft
Implied Texture
When things look smooth/ rough but in reality they are not because they are on a 2D surface.
Real Texture
the texture you can touch. ex. if actual sand was placed on a painting it's real texture.
Something that has 3 dimensions
Implied Form
When a value makes an object look 3D on a 2D surface
- (Looks like it has 3 dimensions but it doesn't because its on a flat surface)
Real Form
- Exists in 3 dimensions
- You can hold it
- Object
3 Dimensions
- Made by edges, textures, lines etc
- Can be geometric or organic
Organic/Irregular Shape
- Unusual, non symmetrical.
- Opposite of geometric
Geometric Shape
- Obvious, regular, symmetrical.
- Square
- Circle
- Triangle
- Cylinder
- etc
What is color?
- Comes from light
- Everything has a chemical reaction to light, and your eye picks up on this creating color.
Primary Colors
You cannot produce primary colors by mixing
What are the primary colors?
Secondary Colors
Colors that are produced by mixing primary colors
What are the secondary colors?
What is the center of the color wheel?
Tertiary Colors
Made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color
What are the six tertiary colors?
- Red-Orange
- Yellow-Orange
- Red-Violet
- Yellow-Green
- Blue-Violet
- Blue-Green
Color Schemes
An arrangement of colors that make harmony when mixed
1 color, 1 hue
Next to each other on color wheel that share a common hue
Colors opposite each other on the color wheel
Subcategory of color
ex. yellow-red & yellow-orange = different hue
Adding white to color paint to create lighter values
Value Scale
A scale that shows the gradual change in value
Full Value Range
Complete darkness to complete whiteness
Type of variety
Putting together two extremes to create contrast
Two differences
ex. dark value next to light value
A balance between unity and variety, ultimate goal of art work
Many different things, plays a part in harmony.
Too much can result in chaos
Things working together, similar.
Too much = boring
Thumbnail Sketch
Small simple drawing, not detailed
Picture plane
Surface that image exists on
Pencil scale
- 6H - lightest/hardest
- HB - neutral
- 6B - darkest/softest