CLA201 suffixes for test1

  1. -al
    pertaining to, like, belonging to, having the character of
  2. -an -(i)an
    pertaining to, like, one connected with

    (i)an ex: theologian THE/o/LOG/ian
  3. -ous -(i)ous
    pertaining to, like, full of
  4. -ic, (t)ic , (-ac after an i)
    • pertaining to, like **(t)ic when there are vowels like in dramatic
    • DRA- = to act / -ma = result of the act of/ (t)ic = pertaining to, like
  5. -ics, -(t)ics
    art , science or study of
  6. -oid, -ode
    like, having the shape of
  7. -emia (-hemia)
    compound suffix
    • condition of the blood, congestion of blood
    • WRITE AS -HEM/ia and put brackets on the (H)EM/ia ALWAYS
    • HEM- , HEMAT- = blood /-ia = state of, quality of, condition of
  8. -logy
    compound suffix
    • science of, systematic study of
    • LOG=reason, word, speech / -y = state of, quality of, condition of
  9. -lysis
    compound suffix
    • dissolution of /dissolution by (surgical division /surgical separation)
    • LY- to loosen, to dissolve, to break up /-sis = act of, process of (sometimes result of, act of )
  10. -mania
    compound suffix
    madness for , madnes about

    • cant split this one into parts... at least i dont know how
    • although i think you would still write it as MAN/ia but not define them separatly. lol
  11. -pathy
    compound suffix
    disease of, treatment of disease of, treatment of disease by

    PATH- = disease, suffering, feeling / -y =state of, quality of, condition of
  12. -phobia
    compound suffix
    abnormal fear of or morbid fear of

    PHOB- = fear of /-ia = state of, quality of, condition of
  13. -therapy
    compound suffix
    treatment of , treatment by

    • THERAP/y =state of, quality of, condition of
    • not sure about this one... lol
  14. -tomy
    compound suffix
    surgical operation on, surgical cutting of

    TOM = to cut / -y =state of, quality of, condition of
  15. -ectomy
    compound suffix
    surgical removal of

    ec- = out, out of, outside /TOM = to cut/ -y =state of, quality of, condition of
  16. -uria
    compound suffix
    condition of the urine

    UR = urine, urinary system / -ia =state of, quality of, condition of
  17. -genous, - genic
    Compound suffix
    producing, produced

    • GEN(E)- = to be produced ****the (E) is there because almost all the suffixes seem to begin with vowels like: -ic, -ous, -y, and -ia so vowel vs vowel the E SHALL DIE.
    • - ous = pertaining to, full of , like

    GEN(E)/ic = pertaining to, like
  18. -hedron
    compound suffix
    solid figure having a (specified) number of faces: like polyhedron will be many faces

    HEDR = ? / on = ? .. dont define them separately i guess
  19. -iasis
    compound suffix
    Diseasesd condition

    IA = ? IATR? means physician surgeon / -sis = state of, condition of, quality of, act of, process of, result of the act of
  20. a)-meter b)-metry
    compound suffix
    • a) instrument for measuring, measure
    • b) art or science of measuring
    • a)just put MET/er = one who, that which
    • b) METR = uterus / -y =state of, quality of, condition of
  21. -nomy
    compound suffix
    • science of, system of laws governing
    • NOM = law, order /-y =state of, quality of, condition of
  22. -oecious
    compound suffix
    • having a house or dwelling
    • -OEC = ? / -ious = pertaining to, having the character of, like
  23. -philous,-philic
    compound suffix
    • loving, thriving in, pollinated by the agency of
    • PHIL = to love, have affinity for / -ous = pertaining to, full of , like
  24. -plasty
    compoumd suffix
    • formation, plastic surgical operation
    • PLAS(T) = to form, mold ** the (T) when 2 consenants together like in microplasm the (T) is gone T_T
    • /-y = state of, quality of, condition of
  25. -rrhea
    compound suffix
    abnormal flow or discharge of

    • RRHE = ? / -(i)a = state of, quality of, condition of
    • you show the -(i)a in the word Diarrhea cuz the i is drropped
  26. -stomy
    compound suffix
    the making of a surgical opening

    STOM, STOMAT- = mouth opening / -y =state of, quality of, condition of
  27. -ter
    means of, place for
  28. -ist, -ast,
    one who
  29. -te,-t (-tes) ex duabetes
    one who , that which

    • (-tes) in diabetes
    • dia- = through, across, between /BE-= to go /-tes = that which
  30. -ician
    specialist in , practitioner of
  31. -ia , -y (chapter 8) we use all the time so its here
    state of, condition of, quality of
  32. -sis, -sia, -sy,-se, (CH 8) used often so its here too
    act of , process of (sometimes "result of the act of)
  33. -ism/-ismus (CH 8)
    condition of, belief in
  34. -ma, -m , -me
    result of the act of
  35. -itis
    • inflammation
    • hepatitis
    • HEPAT =liver / itis =inflammation
  36. shall be the result of this test :D
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CLA201 suffixes for test1
lessons 1-7 some of 8 as well + what we covered in lecture.