Ceramics Mid-Term

  1. Clean up procedure in 4 ways
    • 1. sponge down tables
    • 2. wash brushes --> bristles up
    • 3. wash tools, sponges
    • 4. wrapping carefully
  2. Names & purposes of 3 huge pieces of equipment in the room
    • 1. kiln- firing clay
    • 2. slab roller- make slaps
    • 3. extruder- make coils
  3. The only type of glaze that goes on greeware is ________.
  4. How and why do we wedge clay?
    • HOW: push towards table; turn as you go; compress clay into itself
    • WHY: remove air bubble
  5. 6 tools
    • 1. sponge- gets rid of cracks in clay
    • 2. pin tool- used to trace patterns; cut; score
    • 3. loop tool- carves out clay; make things hallow
    • 4. fettling knife- cutting
    • 5. wire tool- cuts pieces of clay off
    • 6. rib- details; smooth surface; ridges
  6. 5 things to know about glazing
    • 1. 3 coats= consistent color (waterproof)
    • 2. let each coat dry b4 adding new one
    • 3. gazes can be layered in diff. colors
    • 4. don't glaze bottom
    • 5. wax resist for lips of vessels so they don't stick
  7. 1. Plasic/Moist
    • - greenware
    • - contains 25% water
    • - perfect for molding/extruding coils
  8. 2. Leather Hard
    • - greenware
    • - great 4 trimming
    • - good for adding detail
    • - less water (partially dry)
    • - no longer pliable
  9. 3. Bone Dry
    • - color: dark ----> light
    • - brittle
    • - highly breakable
    • - ready 2 b fired
    • - greenware
    • - can be underglazed ----> trimming is rlly hard
  10. 4. Bisqueware
    • - fired once
    • - high or low fire glazes
    • - particles are melted & fused
  11. 5. Glazeware
    • - glazed pottery ----> fired twice
    • - glaze melts & forms smooth/hard layer of glass ----> becomes waterproof
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Ceramics Mid-Term