
  1. MKS System
    Meter, Kilogram, Seconds
  2. Kinematics
    The study of the motion of an object without regard to the causes of the motion.
  3. Average Velocity (v) equals
    • Change in displacement divided by change in time
    • x/t
  4. V =
  5. a =
    Average v/t
  6. Vf=
    Vi + at
  7. Average x =
    Vi(t) + (1/2)at2
  8. Vf2 =
    Vi2 + 2ax
  9. a =
    (Vf - Vi)/t
  10. Y=
    • ViSin
    • ViCos
  11. Gravitational acceleration
    g = (average v)/t
  12. Dynamics
    Study of forces
  13. Types of force
    • Contact force
    • Field force
  14. Law of inertia
    • If there is no net force acting on an object it will remain at rest or in uniform motion.
    • If an object is in constant speed in a straight line its net force is 0.
  15. Law of Acceleration
    • If there is a net force acting on an object the object will accelerate. The acceleration is directly proportional to the net force & in the same direction.
    • Acceleration is inversely related to the mass.
  16. Law of Interaction
    • For each action there is an equal, and opposite, reaction.
    • Forces always occur in pairs.
  17. Weight
    • Fw=mg
    • Downwards, toward center of the Earth
  18. Normal Force/Perpendicular Force
    • Contact force with surface
    • Perpendicular with the surface
    • Fn = mgCos
  19. Frictional Force
    • How hard the surfaces are pressed together.
    • f = mN
    • m = F/N
  20. W =
    • F(d)
    • F(x)
    • (ma)(x)
  21. Potential
    Ability to do work. Stored energy because of an objects position or condition.
  22. Position
    gravitational potential energy
  23. Condition
    compressed spring
  24. Gravitational Potential Energy
    • Scaler
    • PE= mgh
  25. Elastic Potential Energy
    • PE = (1/2)Kx2
    • K = N/m
  26. Conservation of mechanical energy
    v2 = 2gh
  27. Power
    • P = w/t
    • P = (Fd)/t
    • P = Fv
  28. Work
    W = FdCos
  29. Kinetic Energy
    KE = (1/2)mv2
  30. Momentum
    p = mv
  31. Elastic Collision
    • Sum of pi = Sum of pf
    • Sum of (1/2)mv2 initial = Sum of (1/2)mv2final
  32. Conservation of momentum
    Ft = average p
  33. Centripetal Acceleration
    ai = v2/r
  34. Centripetal Force
    F = (mv2)/r
  35. TF =
    (9/5)TC + 32
  36. TK =
    TC + 273.15
  37. Change in x =
    (1/2)(vi + vf) average t
  38. Mechanical Energy
    ME = KE + (sum of)PE
  39. Momentum
    p = mv
  40. Change in momentum
    delta p = F(delta t)
  41. wavg =
    • average angular speed
    • angular displacement/time interval
  42. Fc =
  43. ac =
  44. Fg =
    • G(m1m2/r2)
    • G=6.673 x 10-11
Card Set
physics final review