Mollusks & Echinoderms

  1. ________ bodies usally covered with a __________ shell
    • 1)soft
    • 2) hard
  2. They have a ___________ circulatory system
  3. A Echinoderm has an ______ skeleton. It travels by means of many tube feet.
  4. A Echinoderm has a _____ and ______ area. Some have a mouth on the _____ and an ______ on the top.Starfish can actually turn their stomachs outside of their body and insert it into its prey's such as a clam. Echinoderms have a relatively big gut area.
    • 1.) mouth anf stomach
    • 2.) Bottom an anus
  5. A Echinoderm has a _______ excretory system.
  6. A Echinoderm has ______ symmetry.
  7. A Echinoderm has ______ arms and spines or bumps all over its body. The spines are protective and also help with respiration.
  8. A Echinoderm is a male or female. The males and females discharge their eggs and sperm into the water where they are fertilized. A female can release one hundred million eggs at once. If a piece of certain echinoderms is chopped off, a new ______ or even a new _______ can regrow.
    • Peiece
    • Echinoderm
  9. A Echinoderm uses some of the bumps or spines on its surface to take in _______. It has a gill structure to take in the oxygen. It has a _______ developed respiratory system.
    • Oxygen
    • Poorly
  10. A Echinoderm has water pumped through its body as part of its very ______ circulation
  11. A Echinoderm has ________ which can detect light. Their eyespots are not as sharp as human eyes. It generally has a _______developed nervous system.
    • eyespots
    • poorly
  12. A Mollusk has an _____ shell. It has a _____ body. It has a muscular foot that it uses for movement.
    • outer
    • soft
  13. A Mollusk has food brought in through a siphon system and then to its mouth. It then goes to a digestive gland and to its intestine. Wastes leave via the _____.
  14. A Mollusk has no formal nervous system, but has a series of ______ that conduct impulses.
  15. A Mollusk has a ______, _______ and _________.
    • heart
    • blood
    • blood vessels
  16. A Mollusk has tubes called siphons that bring water in and out of their bodies so that they can get _________ and give off __________. They have gills that help with this.
    • oxygen
    • carbon dioxide
  17. A Mollusk is either male or female and reproduces _______ with a large organ called a _______.
    • gonad
    • sexually
  18. A Mollusk has _______ symmetry.
  19. A Mollusk has a ______, _______, _______ body. It can be very small or as big as six feet across.
    • soft
    • thick
    • fleshy
  20. A Mollusk has an excretory system with an _____. It has an organ called the _________ that gets rid of wastes.
    • anus
    • nephridium
  21. An invertabrate wiht a soft unsegmeted body, most are protected by a hard outer shell
  22. A consumer that eats only animals.
  23. An ocean dwealing mollusk whose foot is adapted as tentacles that surround its mouth.
  24. An organ that removes oxygen fromthe water.\
  25. A consumer that eats only plants.
  26. A circulatory system in which the heart pumps blood into open spaces in the body, and blood is not confined to blood vessels.
    Open circulatory System
  27. A mollusk with a single shell or no shell.
  28. A mollusk that has two shells held together by hinges and strong muscles.
  29. A consumer that eats both plants and animals(us).
  30. A flexible ribbon of tiny teeth in mollusks.
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Mollusks & Echinoderms