the process of shifting the responsibility for planning, delivering, and financing programs from the federal to the state level
Descriptive vs. analytic epidemiology
- descriptive: describes disease distribution and outcome; person/place, time
- analytic: causes and determinants of disease
Measure of existing disease in a population at a particular time
number of new cases during a certain period of time
Web of causality
there's a complex interrelationship of many factors that affect the risk of disease
Ecological model
causal relationship that treats determinants of health as interrelated and acting synergistically, instead of as discrete factors
- accuracy of measure
- does it measure what it's supposed to measure
Sensitivity vs. specificity
- sensitivity - does it identify people with the condition?
- specificity - does it identify people without the condition?
Prevalence calculation
- P=IxD
- prevalence = incidence rate x average duration
3 branches of government
- executive - suggests, regulates policy
- legislative - identifies problems, makes laws to address those problems
- judicial - interprets laws and their meaning
USDHHS pieces and parts
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly HCFA) - regulates Medicare and Medicaid
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- National Institutes for Health
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - what works and what doesn't
- Food and Drug Administration
5 health care functions of federal, state and local goverments
- direct services
- financing
- information
- policy setting
- public protection