AP Psych Prologue Review

  1. psychology
    scientific study of behavior and mental processes
  2. empiricism
    scientific study
  3. Structuralism
    what are the parts? (Wundt and Titchener)
  4. functionalism
    why does it work? (James and Calkins)
  5. humanistic psychology
    humans can grow (Maslow and Rogers)
  6. nature-nurture issue
    genetics vs. cultural influence
  7. natural selection
    only the strong survive (Darwin)
  8. levels of analysis
    offer complementary opinions
  9. biopsychosocial approach
    genetics, emotions, and cultural influences
  10. basic research
    knowledge for knowledge's sake
  11. applied research
    knowledge to solve a problem
  12. counseling psychology
    help with daily struggles
  13. clinical psychology
    look at disorders
  14. psychiatry
    can prescribe meds for disorders
  15. neuroscience perspective
    how brain influences
  16. social-cultural perspective
    how culture and situations influence
  17. behavior genetics perspective
    how genetics influence
  18. industrial/organizational psychology
    study of behavior in workplace
  19. cognitive psychology
    how memories and thoughts function
  20. evolutionary perspective
    how natural selection influences
  21. psychodynamic perspective
    how unconscious mind influences
  22. behavior
  23. mental processes
    thoughts, memories, etc.
  24. introspection
    structuralism; looking within and breaking it down
  25. behaviorists
    behavior represents mental processes; learning and memory (Watson and Skinner)
  26. Wundt (father of modern psychology)
    • atoms of the mind
    • experiment with reaction time
  27. Titchener (student of Wundt)
    • introduced structuralism
    • introspection - to look within a single act of sensations and break it down
    • trained all introspectionists
  28. James & Calkins - functionalism
    • Asked why we do things, not how
    • Darwin influence
    • Calkins - first woman in psychology
  29. Freud - psychoanalysis
    • 1st clinical psychologist - failed at being a doctor
    • Theories largely not proveable and therefore not scientific
  30. Watson and Skinner
    • Concerned with behavior that represents mental processes (learning and memory)
    • must be directly observable and measurable
  31. Maslow and Rogers
    Affect of current environmental influences on growth potential
Card Set
AP Psych Prologue Review
AP Psychology, History and Approaches