Nutrition 2360

  1. What nutrients are carried through the lymphatic system?
    Fat-soluble substances
  2. Define: Probiotics
    • Good bacteria found in the colon
    • Friendly and beneficial microorganism that live in your gut flora
    • Its main job is to keep you healthy

    • Examples:
    • Lactobacillus acidophilus
    • Bifidobacteria
    • Enterococcus
    • Saccharomyces boulardii
  3. Define: Prebiotics
    • Bacteria that is found in the colon
    • The nourishment the probiotic bacteria need to grow and colonize the bowels
  4. What is a food source of probiotics?
    • Yogurt
    • Miso
  5. What is a food source of prebiotics?
    • Unprocessed whole grains
    • Legumes- Beans and peas
    • Fruits
  6. What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to heartburn (GERD)?
    • Prevent by:
    • Drinking fluids between meals
    • Remaining upright after meals
    • Small frequent meals
    • Weight loss
    • Not smoking
    • Reducing alcohol intake
  7. What are the two main causes?
    What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to ulcers?
    • Causes:
    • Helicobacter pylori= is a bacteria that loves to live in stomach acid and eats stomach mucosa for food
    • NSAID use= Asprin and Tylenol

    • Prevent by:
    • Avoid NSAIDs
    • Small frequent meals
    • Weight loss
    • Not smoking
    • Reducing alcohol intake
  8. What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to gallstones?
    • Prevent by:
    • Maintain healthy weight
    • Control diabetes
    • Monitor cholesterol levels
    • Monitor hormonal changes (Pregnancy)
  9. What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to gas?
    • Prevent by:
    • Not swallowing air
    • >Caused by bacteria digesting carbohydrate (prebiotics)
  10. What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to constipation?
    • Prevent by:
    • Increase fiber intake
    • Lower progesterone level
    • Stay hydrated
    • *Question medication may be causing it
    • Increase activity level
  11. What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to diarrhea?
    • Relieve by:
    • Pedialyte
    • Gatorade
    • *Be careful about taking Immodium
  12. What is a way to prevent and/or bring relief to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
    • Relieve by:
    • Lower stress level
    • Question food tolerances
  13. Purpose of "good bacteria" in food?
    Helps with the digestion of food and formation of bowels
  14. What four things may kill "good bacteria"?
    • Die from:
    • Antibiotics
    • Stress
    • Hypertension
    • Surgery
Card Set
Nutrition 2360
Digestion and Absorption