ART 377: Study Guide 2

  1. Beginning of writing
    3000 b.c.
  2. Building of Pyramids of Giza
    2550 b.c.
  3. Construction of Stonehenge
    2950 - 1600 b.c.
  4. The first alphabet
    2000 b.c.
  5. Founding of city of Rome
    753 b.c.
  6. Classical period of Greek culture
    500 - 323 b.c.
  7. Beginning of Christianity as official religion of the Roman Empire
    380 a.d.
  8. Erection of major Gothic cathedrals in Europe
    1140 - 1248 a.d.
  9. The voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World
    1492 a.d.
  10. High Renaissance
    1492 - 1527 a.d.
  11. Beginning of Reformation and Protestantism
    1517 a.d.
  12. Pilgrims voyage in "Mayflower" to America
    1620 a.d.
  13. American Revolution (WAR)
    1775 - 1783 a.d.
  14. Reign of Napoleon Bonaparte
    1796 - 1815 a.d.
  15. American Civil War
    1861 - 1865 a.d.
  16. World War I
    1914 - 1918 a.d.
  17. World War II
    1939 - 1945 a.d.
  18. Vietnam War
    1955 - 1975 a.d.
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ART 377: Study Guide 2
History of Graphic and Applied Design