1. Why did the us seek expansion?
    • quest for new markets
    • navla powers, expansion of vacy
    • racial thought, social darwinism was used to justify exploitation. the idea that english anglo saxon people were superior.
  2. when was alaska purchased?
    sewards folly, in 1860 for $7.2 mil.
  3. Expansion in the pacific: samoa
    • treaty of 1878 - granted a naval base at pago pago, exchanged trade conccessions.
    • after 1990 civil war there, germany, br, us placed a triple protectorate over it.
  4. expansion in pacific: hawaii
    • boom in sugar production
    • am influence in econ and gov
    • ueen liliuokalani opposed ams and tried to eliminate white control in 1891.
    • ams rebeled and proclaimed the repub of hawaii in 1898.
  5. the sp am war, cuba libre
    • rebellion broke out in 1898, they waged guerill awarefare against sp troops and business interests.
    • similar to the am revolution.
    • yellow jounalism, hearsts NY journal and Pulitzer's NY world
    • celveland wanted to maintain peace
  6. pressures for the sp am war: mckinley's platform
    endorsing cuban independence and am control of hawaii and canal construction.
  7. what was the de lome letter?
    de lome made fun of pres mckinly, de lome resigned.
  8. waht was the teller amendment?
    us didnt want cuban territory.
  9. why did the us go to war with sp?
    the people and business leaders demanded a quick resolution.
  10. what was dewey's campaigne in the philippines?
    he destroyed and captured all sp warships in manila bay.
  11. what was roosevelts campaign in cuba?
    he had his bolunteer cavalry, the rough riders.
  12. why did mckinley annex the philippines?
    • nat;l glory
    • commerce
    • racial superiority
    • christian altruism.
  13. what was a cost of the suppression of filipino nationalsim?
    loss of am benevolence. the anti imperialist league was formed.
  14. what was the philippines gov act 1902?
    it made the philippines an unorganied territory and the inhabitants citizens of the philippines
  15. what was the jones act
    it set up elected legislature and affirmed us intentions to grant independence.
  16. what was the tydings-mcduffie act
    it offered indepnendence for the philppines in 10yrs.
  17. what was the platt amendment?
    it kept cuba from signing a treaty w/ a 3ed power, therefore restricting cuban independence.
  18. what was the open door policy?
    it proposed to keep china open to all countries. they wouldn't interfere w/ any treaty or show favors as a result of arbor dues/rr charges and they wouldn collect tariffs.
  19. what was the boxer rebellion? 1900
    a group of western world "boxers"rebelled against foreign encroachment on china.
  20. what happened in the election of 1900?
    in 1900 mckinley won the election, but then was shot, so tr took over.
  21. what was the bidlack treaty?
    it was with columbia, it gave colombia soverignty over panama and pannama over the isthmus.
  22. what was the claton-bulcer treaty?
    us agreed w/ br to only build a canal by mutual consent.
  23. what was the roosevelt corollary to the monroe doctrine?
    it justified the us interbention in the caribben to keep out euros.

    ex: it called for a collector of customs to apply debt payments.
  24. what was the treaty of portsmouth?
    b/w russia, japan, korea, and cina. it preveted a possible war.
  25. what was the gentleman's agreement in the aftermath of the russo-japanese war?
    it restricted japanese immigration and brought a break in racial attitudes in CA.
Card Set
an american empire. toward the new imperialsim, the sp-am war, emperial rivalries in e asia, roosevelts diplocmacy.