processing info, putting it into your brain
retaining information
getting info out of the memory bank
sensory memory
immdeiate and very fast.
short-term memory
- holds few items 'briefly'
- anything thats not forever
serial position effect
we remember items first and last on a list better then those in the middle
long-term memory
forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
- words and what they mean
- type of long term
- specific events
- type of long term
visual encoding
picture images
acousit encoding
sound and sound of words
self-reference effect
we can remember bettwe wen we relate things back to ourselves
ionic memory
photographic memory for just a few seconds
echoic memory
exact memory of a sound for just a few seconds
filling in the blanks of our memory
eidetic memory
photographic memory
selective attention
we decide what we want to pay attention to
feature extraction
looking for details that define what we are seaking
proactive interferance
old learning blocks the new
retroactive interference
new learning blocks the old
positive transfer
old memories facilitate new learning
we surpress memores to relieve anziety
misinformation effect
altered memories from exposure to wrong information
a relitively permenant change in behavior that results from experience
operant conditioning
learning from consequences
duplicating others
classical conditioning
training; repetative actions until it becomes subconscous
Ivan Pavlov
a behavior psychologist
neutral stimulus
a stimulus that does not elict any particular response
unconditioned stimulus
the natural stimulus (ie food)
unconditioned response
salivate at the sight of food
conditioned response
sound of the bell
conditioned response
salivate at the sound of the bell
BF Skinner
father of operant conditioning
positive reinforcement
strengthens a response by giving a reward; providing a positive stimulus
negative reinforcement
strenghtening a response by removing an unplesant stimulus
law of effect
rewarded behavior is likely to occur again while punished behavior will diminish
the process of operant conditioning where reinforcers guide behaviors closer and closer to the desired behavior
primary reinforcement
inate, biological needs
conditioned reinforcers/secondary reinforcers
- learned through association with primary reinforcers
- ie. money
learned helplessness
we may learn that we cant do anything in one situation and in other similar situations we feel as though we still can not do anything
Martin Seligman
dog shock experiment
escape conditioning
- type of negative reinforment
- behavior that causes unplesant event to stop
avoidence behavior
- type of nevative reinforcement
- behavior that avoids unpleasant events
physical reinforcer
- tanjable things
- ie. house, high five, food, hug
phychological reinforcer
smile, praise, facial expressions or body language
scheduels of reinforcement
- fixed(known time) or variable(time changes)
- and
- ratio(quantity) or interval((how long)
- to make someone not shy
- used to overcome fears