Quiz 1

  1. a relatively enduring change in the potential to engage in particular behavior resulting from experience wieht environmental events specifically related to that behavior.
  2. A variable that the experimenter can change
    Independent Variable
  3. A variable that is the outcome of the experiment
    Dependent Variable
  4. Example: behabiro is lever-pressing, counting each lever press
    Operational definition
  5. Problems in the environment that can cause involuntary alteration of the experiment.
    Confounding Variable
  6. 2 groups of subjects
    experimental and control
  7. the group that receives the training in procedures of interest
    Experimental Group
  8. the group that is treated identically to the experimental group in all other ways other than the procedure of interest.
    Control group
  9. Learning happened if the two groups behave differently
  10. Behaviorism: he can rear any child into what ever he wants.
    John Watson
  11. The training process
    Introducing stimuli
    Time 1 (T1)
  12. The post-training test
    Testing reactions and behaviors
    Time 2 (T2)
  13. Physics story example:
    You and roommate taking physics you get a B in your hard class and your roommate gets an A in their easy class. The grade does not reflect the knowledge learned.
  14. Experiments with rats are general to human behavior and relative to most other species.
  15. the simplest unit of unconditioned behavior
  16. collection of reflexes organized together
    Sequence of behavior responses
  17. Stimuli that evokes a response

    Exp. Hawk flying and a small animal moves down below
    The stickle back mating ritual
    Sign Stimuli
  18. Human sign stimuli
    • Smile and wave greeting
    • eyebrow rase
    • yawning
  19. Supra-normal sign stimuli
    hearing full chicks peck at the red spot on their parent's beak.
  20. The more helpless the features the more sign stimulus to induce protection.
    • infancy and youth.
    • Head large in proportion to the body
    • Protruding forehead large in proportion to the size of the rest of the face.
    • Small nose
    • Round protruding heeks
  21. One stimulus is what?
    Single- Stimulus
  22. two stimuli or more are associated together.
    show up together
  23. Hapituation falls under what type of stimulus
  24. If your response goes down
    Exp. wearing clothes; you do not notice them during the day.
  25. If your response goes up.
    Exp. A girl constantly clearing her throat in a quiet library. 1st no one is annoyed, 20th time people are pissed.
  26. Association/Pavlovian/Classical
    stimulus- stimulus
  27. Pairing two stiumulus associated together
    Exp. The Office: Computer sound paired with mint
    Stimulus- Stimulus
  28. Instrumental/Operant
    Behavioral response (operant) --> consequence
  29. to gain a response
    Exp. Get all A's in school and get a reward.
  30. the base line that will stay constant after decrease/increase.
  31. not being able to detect after a while
    Sensory Aduptation
  32. Model Action Pattern - voluntary
Card Set
Quiz 1
Basic concepts and definitions. How we measure learning? The organization of behavior. Fundamental experimental procedures.