Receives information about what happens inside out out of the body
Directs how your body responds
Helps maintain homeostasis
cell that carries information through the nervous system
Nerve Impulse
The message that a neuron carries.
Carries impulses towards the cell body.
carries impulses away from the cell body.
Nerve fibers arranged in parallel bundles covered by connective tissue
Sensory Neuron
picks up stimuli from internal and external environment and converts it to a nerve impulse.
carries nerve impulses from one neuron to another.
Motor Neuron
sends an impulse to a muscle and the muscle contracts
a tiny space between each axon tip and the next structure.
when a nerve impulse reaches the end of the axon chemicals are released into the synapse which enables the nerve impulse to cross the synapse
Central Nervous Sytem
The central nervous system is the control center of the body
Brain-controlls most functions of the body
Spinal Cord-nerve tissue that links the brain to most of the nerves in the peripheral
How a nerve impulse travels
It travels from the peripheral nevous system through the spinal cord to the brain. Brain directs a response back through the spinal cord and back to the peripheral nervous system
The neurons in the brains...
The brain contains 100s of billions of neurons that are all interneuron.
What helps your brain from injury?
The skull
Layers of connective tissue
What is a nerve made up of?
A bundle of nerve fibers covered with connective...