
  1. Which parameters of an air mass are generally uniform when measured across any horizontal direction?
    Temperature and moisture
  2. Which four frontal properties used to locate and classify fronts?
    Pressure, temperature, dew point, and wind
  3. What are the five factors that influence frontal weather?
    • Moisture available
    • Stability
    • Slope
    • Speed
    • Contrast in temp & moisture
  4. With frontal passage, the winds of a cold front will shift from the ______to the ______, and the winds of a warm front will shift from the ______ to the ______.
    southwest to the northwest; southeast to the southwest
  5. In one respect, embedded warm-front thunderstorms present a greater flying hazard than cold-front thunderstorms because the warm-front cumulonimbus clouds ______.
    may be hidden in stratus type clouds.
  6. What would indicate that a cold front has passed?
    • *Wind shifts
    • Ceiling & visibility (VMC w/isolated IMC)
    • Turbulance
    • Precipitation and icing
  7. If you are flying from east to west and you encounter cirrus, cirrostratus, alto-stratus, nimbostratus and then stratus clouds, you are most likely approaching a ______.
    Stationary front or warm front
  8. Where does the greatest contrast between air masses exists?
    at the surface
  9. What type of slope does a warm front have?
    an extensive forward slope
  10. Stationary front weather is similar to what type of front?
    Warm front, but usually less intense
  11. An occluded front is generally located ____ to ____ of the frontal intersection. This is also where the most ____ weather of an occluded front occurs.
    100 nm south; 300 nm north; sever
  12. How are squall lines depicted on surface charts?
    dashed, double-dotted, purple line
  13. How far ahead of a warm front can the associated cloud system reach?
    500 to 700 miles
  14. What type of wind shift will you expect to find when encountering a stationary front?
    180º wind shift
  15. What kind of weather can be expected when flying through an occluded front?
    weather associated with both cold and warm fronts
  16. What type of frontal system usually has no clouds or precipitation?
    an inactive front
  17. At what level above the surface do the differences between two air masses forming a front become negligible?
    15,000 to 20,000 feet
  18. Every front is located in a _______.
    trough of low pressure
  19. Lines of fast moving thunderstorms are known as _______.
    squall lines
  20. Which frontal system has a more shallow slope, a cold front or a warm front?
    warm front
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