-the differential survival and reproduction of individuals in a population based on variation in their traits
Artificial Selection
works on strains with certain desirable traits by animal and plant breeders
a group of individuals of a single species that live and interbreed in a particular geographic area at the same time
both the processes by which characteristics that appear to be useful to their bearers evolve (the evolutionary mechanisms that produce them) and to the characteristics themselves.
Heritable trait
a characteristic that is partly determined by the organisms genes.
different forms of a gene that may exist at a particular locus
Gene pool
the sum of all copies of all alleles at all loci found in a population
Hardy-Weinberg equalibrium
a principle that describes a model in which allele frequencies do not change across generations and genotype frequencies can be predicted from allele frequencies
Genetic drift
random fluctuations in allele frequencies from one generations to another
Gene flow
movement of individuals into or out of a population, or reproductive contact with other populations
any change in the nucleotide sequences of an organism's DNA
Population bottleneck
a situation in a large population passes through a period in which only a small number of individuals survive
Founder effect
the result of a population bottleneck
the reproductive contributions of other phenotype to subsequent generations relative to the contribution of other phenotypes
Stabilizing selection
preserves the average characteristics of a population by favoring average individuals
Directional selection
changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in one direction from the mean of the population
Disruptive selection
changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in both directions from the mean in both directions
Neutral allele
an allele that does not affect the fitness of an organism
Frequency-dependent selection
a phenomenon where a polymorphism depends on its frequency in a population
Clinal variation
the gradual change in a phenotype across a geographic gradient
the fitness benefits must exceed the fitness costs it imposes