Civcs Midterm Study Guide

  1. the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution that grant citizens’ basic rights and liberties.
    Bill of rights
  2. the document written by the Founding Fathers. It is the Supreme Law of the United States. The Bill of Rights is found in this document.
    U.S. Constitution
  3. Name all the reactionary groups
    Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Aryan Brotherhood, Skinheads
  4. Name all the group of radicals
    Terrorists, communists
  5. a group of radicals who wanted to have great changes that would destroy our existing political system
  6. group of terrorists. group of radicals.
  7. group of liberals- protects women’s rights in a work place: equal pay, justice, etc.
    NOW- National Organization of Women
  8. this organization made of law-abiding gun owners is a strong defender of the 2nd Amendment and believes in individual’s right to bear arms. Group of Conservatives.
    NRA- National Rifle Association
  9. an extreme hatred of the Jewish people and their culture.
  10. the belief of reducing the reproduction of mentally and physically disabled people to make the nation better.
  11. having prejudice and stereotypes against people of other races.
  12. when you are willing to protect your country because you love and respect it and what it stands for. To defend it against external as well as internal threats. Part of being a true patriot is questioning your elected officials.
  13. The belief that your country and culture is better than those of other countries. It is extreme patriotism when you support your leaders in all they do. No matter what your leader or country does, it is never wrong.
  14. in politics and life, people usually never get what they want. In Congress, liberals and conservatives must learn to become flexible. “Reaching across the aisle”.
  15. Reaching an agreement in a democracy by majority vote about certain issues.
  16. a form of government in which the people share in power and control of the government by voting.
  17. a form of government that is controlled by one person, or a small committee, that has absolute or total control. The common people have little or no rights at all.
  18. deals with the values of what is good and bad and rules of proper conduct.
  19. Latin for keeping things the way they are. Conservatives believe in keeping the blank.
    Status Quo
  20. to be taken unfair advantage in an economic sense. Ex., Slavery
  21. values believing in heterosexual relationship and marriages between a man and a woman only.
    Judeo/Traditional Family values
  22. a politically correct term used to denote gay and lesbian relationship and marriages.
    Alternative lifestyle
  23. gives money to the elderly, retired and children whose family had died. Paid with taxes
    Social Security
  24. medical insurance for the elderly 65 or older.
  25. gives money to businesses for health insurance for their workers and employees.
    Patient Protection and Affordability Act
  26. the systematic total extermination of an entire group of people because of their race or religion.
  27. a group of liberal lawyers who act as a “watch dog” over any government attempt to weaken any freedoms found in the Bill of Rights (First Ten Amendments).
    ACLU- American Civil Liberties Union
  28. the positive quality of personality (a “magnetism”) that attracts you to something.
  29. people coming to the United States from other countries to find a better way of life.
  30. a person who is a strong supporter or believer in an idea.
  31. a short film which shows people the importance of taking care of our environment. The Lorax was a character that advocated and wanted to protect the environment.
    "The Lorax"
  32. violated the right to protest peacefully
    The Tinker Decision
  33. violated freedom of press
    Hazelwood Decision
  34. having the freedom to express yourself and make all of your own choices.
  35. equal treatment under the law
  36. a person who uses his or her 1st Amendment freedom of expression(speech) to openly criticize his of her elected officials through spoken or written word.
  37. to be persecuted or treated unfairly by people or government agencies because of your race, religion, ethnicity, or lifestyle.
  38. to be faithful to ones country or government
  39. money from the government that helps you pay for your necessities (food, clothes)
    food stamps
  40. government helps to pay for low income people to own a home or apartment.
  41. politically correct term used in place of welfare or social programs. Federal programs paid with taxes.
  42. a person’s biological or genetic makeup. Anthropologists classify humans into three major races that are equal mentally and physically: Mongoloid (Asian), Negroid (Black), and Caucasoid (White).
  43. the spiritual beliefs people hold about life and death.
  44. heritage, language, customs, foods, music etc. Deals with the environment in which a person was raised, and is not based on biology or genetics.
    Ethnicity (Ethnic group)
  45. the country in which a person holds citizenship.
  46. the process of becoming a citizen in a country.
  47. to limit or restrict access to certain information by the U.S. government.
  48. government sponsored lies, exaggerations, or half truths which are spread to shape public opinion.
  49. helping convicted prisoners recover their self respect, learn new skill, and return to society as productive, law-abiding citizens.
  50. when an agency of the government will legally put a convicted felon to death for the crime of murder.
    Capital Punishment
  51. a legal document signed by a judge, giving law enforcement officials the right to search a suspects home or business for evidence. Granted by the 4th Amendment.
    Search Warrant
  52. the idea that says the U.S, government has the right to restrict or abolish a citizen’s right to own a firearm.
    Gun Control
  53. continual observation of a person or group, especially one suspected of doing something illegal.
  54. a law passed after 9/11 designed to make America more secure and less vulnerable to terrorist attacks
    Patriot Act
  55. when the lawmaking body of the U.S, (Congress) votes to remove an unpopular law from the public
  56. when the members of Congress vote to approve the passage of a bill into a law. Requires majority vote of the members present
  57. the government of the United States has refused to sell specific products to the communist regime in Cuba in hopes of weakening it economically.
  58. U.S, policy of sending back all Cubans if they are intercepted on water by the U.S. Coast Guard
  59. anyone running for an elected political
  60. when a person is selected by his or her political party to be a candidate and run for a political office
  61. the meeting of the delegates to each political party to select a nominee to run for the office of President
  62. an organization of voters who share common ideas about how the government should be run and what the responsibilities of government are toward its citizens, working together to get candidates with similar views elected officials.
    Political Party
  63. people who want great changes that destroy existing political systems and replace them with something new
  64. people who favor great changes within our existing political system
  65. people who are opposed to most changes because they want to keep things the way they are
  66. People who want to return to the way things were before a change was made. Made of white Protestants
  67. during times of emergency the President of the United States can suspend all constitutional freedoms and put the government in the hands of the military in order to solve the problems the emergency created
    Martial Law
  68. Protects the five basic freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. They are religion, assembly, petition, press, and speech
    1st Amendment
  69. the right of all responsible and law-abiding U.S. citizens to own a firearm.
    2nd Amendment
  70. protects us against “unreasonable searches and seizures” by police and government officials. A judge must first issue a ‘search warrant’
    4th Amendment
  71. Protects American citizens against “cruel and unusual punishments”.
    8th Amendment
  72. a person cannot be detained unless he or she is brought before the court so that the court can determine whether or not the person will be lawfully held.
    Writ of Habeas Corpus
  73. President of the United States. Leader of the Democrats
    Barack Obama
  74. Vica President of the United States
    Joe Biden
  75. Leader of Al-Qaeda
    Osama Bin Laden
  76. leader of the Nazis
    Adolf Hilter
  77. Former Vice President of the United States
    Dick Cheney
  78. former governer of Florida
    Charlie Crist
  79. Floridas new governer
    Rick Scott
  80. Floridas new Senator
    marco rubio
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Civcs Midterm Study Guide
civics midterm