PTA 001

  1. located on dorsal side of radius
    Lister's Tubercle of Radius
  2. Axillary Nerve (innervation, mm supplied)
    C5-C6; Teres Minor, Deltoid
  3. Musculocutaneous Nerve (innervation, mm supplied)
    C5-C6; Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii, Brachialis (becomes lateral cuteneous nerve of forearm)
  4. Ulnar Nerve (innervation, mm supplied)
    C8-T1; FCU, Ulnar 1/2 of FDP, intrinsics (ADDP, FPB, Dorsal / Volar Interossei, Palmaris Brevis, Abd. Dig, Min; Opponens Dig. Min., FDM, Ulnar Lumbricales)
  5. Radial Nerve (innervation, mm supplied)
    C6-C8, T1; Triceps Brachii & anconeus, brachialis, Brachioradialis, ECRB, ECRL, EDCommunis, EDMin, Supinator, Abd.PL, EPL, EPB)
  6. Median Nerve (innervation, mm supplied)
    C6-C8, T1; Pronator Teres, Palmaris Longus, FCR< FD, FPL, AbPB, Opponens P, FPB, 1st and 2nd lumbracales, FDP, Pronator Quadratus
  7. Responsibilities of Cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia
    higher mental functions; "relay station"; hormone regulation; coordination of motor movement
  8. Responsibilities of Brainstem
    Divided into midbrain (center for visual reflexes); pons (bridge between midbrain and medulla; and medulla oblongota (automatic control of respiration and hearing)
  9. Responsibilities of Cerebellum
    coordination of muscle tone, coordination, and posture
  10. Image Upload 2
    Circle of Willis
  11. Anterior and POsterior Cerebral Arteries are connected at _____; Right and left anterior cerebral arteries connected at _____.
    posterior communicating artery; anterior communicating artery
  12. _____: Synapse before anterior horn;
    _____: Synapse below anterior horn;
    _____ lesion: between brain and s.c.;
    _____ lesion: between ant. horn of sc and periphery
    • UMN / LMN
    • UMN Lesion / LMN Lesion
  13. Image Upload 4
  14. "Claw hand" is loss of the intrinsic muscles due to ___ damage
    Ulnar Nerve
  15. Effects of damage to Common Peroneal Nerve: Inability to ___, & ___.
    DF / Dropfoot
  16. _____: Forces of mm that pull bones back together;
    _____: Forces of mm that is directed away from the joint (past 90o of elbow flexion)
    • Stabilizing Force
    • Distracting Force
  17. ___: Mm can shorten no more, full flexion: actively making mm not able to be used with flexion to end of ROM
    ___: Muscle can be elongated no more: passively extending joint to position of not being able to be used.
    • Active Insufficiency;
    • Passive Insufficiency
  18. _____: A metabolic pathway that uses energy produced by oxidation of nutrients to product ATP; capable of producing 15x more ATP than anaerobic.
    Oxidative Phosphorylation
  19. Classes of Levers:
    Image Upload 6
  20. Cell Types Involved in Injury Repair (5):
    1.) _____: Macromolecules with protein core and bound polysaccharides, referred to as GAG's (Glycosaminoglycans), they're synthesized in fibroblast cells within the ground substance. Function in extracellular matrix of tissues.
  21. Cell Types Involved in Injury Repair (5):
    2.) _____: Involved with collagen production at various stages of repair.
  22. Cell Types Involved in Injury Repair (5):
    3.)_____: Synthesized by platelets: vasodilators & Smooth Muscle contractors.
  23. Cell Types Involved in Injury Repair (5):
    4.)_____: Smooth muscle contractors and stimulate bronchioconstriction
  24. Cell Types Involved in Injury Repair (5):
    5.)_____: Stimulate and regulate cell proliferation & differentiation; regulation of normal growth, homeostasis, injury, disease, and repair
  25. _____: Component of connective tissue; responsible for compressive strength of cartilage; extremely hydrophilic, attracts and bonds with H2O.
  26. Phases (3) of intraarticular ligament healing:
    • I: Inflammatory Reaction
    • II: Matrix and cellular proliferation
    • III: Decreased active matrix synthesis, increased Type I Collagen, closer to normal.
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PTA 001
PTA Exam review questions - random order