The Abdominal Cavity

  1. What is the diaphragm?
    A thin, sheet-like muscle that acts as the major muscle of respiration. It separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities and helps to seal everything in the abdominal cavity
  2. The abdominal cavity is divided into ____ quadrants.
    4; the right upper quadrant, the right lower quadrant, the left upper quadrant, and the left lower quadrant
  3. What planes divide the abdominal cavity into its quadrants?
    The midsagittal plane and the transumbilical plane
  4. The abdominal cavity is divided into ____ regions.
    9; the right hypochondriac region, the epigastric region, the left hypochondriac region, the right lumbar region, the umbilical region, the left lumbar region, the right inguinal (iliac) region, the hypogastric (pubic) region, and the left inguinal (iliac) region
  5. What planes divide the abdominal cavity into its regions?
    the right midclavicular plane, the left midclavicular plane, the subcostal plane, and the transtubercular plane
  6. What are the "solid" organs of the abdominal cavity?
    The spleen, liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, and appendix
  7. What are the "hollow" organs of the abdominal cavity?
    The stomach, intestines, bladder, urethra, and gallbladder
  8. What are the 2 layers of fascia?
    • Superficial - fatty layers; linea alba (separates right and left abdominal regions)
    • Deep - very membranous
  9. Describe what happens as the diaphragm contracts and relaxes.
    • Contracts - Inspire (helps push up the thoracic cage)
    • Relaxes - Expire
  10. Rectus Abdominus
    • Origin: Pubic symphysis
    • Insertion: Xiphoid process and 5-7 costal cartilages
    • Action: Trunk flexion
    • Exercises: Toe touches, crunches, planks (isometric)
  11. External Oblique
    "Hands in pockets"

    • Origin: Ribs 5-12 (slightly lateral aspect)
    • Insertion: Linea alba, pubic tubercle, and anterior 1/2 of iliac crest
    • Action: unilateral - lateral flexion to the same side and rotation to opposite side; bilateral - assist with trunk flexion

    Exercises: Planks on the side, side crunches, bicycles, resisted lateral flexion, twists
  12. Internal Oblique
    • Origin: Thoracic lumbar fascia, anterior 2/3 of iliac crest
    • Insertion: Inferior border of ribs 10-12, linea alba, pubis
    • Action: unilateral - lateral flexion and rotation to same side; bilateral - trunk flexion
  13. Transverse Abdominus
    AKA - "TA"

    • Origin: Internal surface of ribs 7-12 costal cartilage
    • Insertion: Linea alba
    • Action: Compress and support viscera (organs)
  14. Quadratus Lumborum
    • Origin: Iliac crest (posterior)
    • Insertion: Transverse process of L1-L5; 12th floating rib
    • Action: unilateral - lateral flexion to same side; bilateral - trunk extension

    Exercises: trunk/back extension, supermans, deadlifts
  15. Psoas Major
    • "Hip flexors"

    • Origin: Transverse processes and lateral bodies of T12 - L5
    • Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
    • Action: Hip flexion and trunk flexion

    Exercise: Roman chair
  16. Iliacus
    • Origin: Iliac fossa; lateral
    • Insertion: Lesser trochanter of the femur
    • Action: Hip flexion; stabilize hip acetabulum
  17. Iliapsoas
    • Origin: Anterior bodies of T12 - L5 and iliac fossa
    • Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
    • Action: Hip flexion

    *Iliapsoas keeps torso standing from falling back or sitting with no back support without falling back (center of gravity)*
  18. What two muscles insert at the lesser trochanter of the femur?
    Psoas major and iliacus
  19. Is it possible to spot train one part of the rectus abdominus? (i.e. the "lower abs")
    NO; it is one, single muscle
  20. Image Upload 2
    Hip muscles
  21. Image Upload 4
    The regions and quadrants of the abdominal cavity
Card Set
The Abdominal Cavity
Include information about the abdominal cavity