History Midterm 2011

  1. Steppe
    Who- home to nomadic tries and empires because of pastures

    What- vast grassland

    When- important throughout Asian history, although they still exist today

    Where- Central Asia

    How- relate to Mongol Empire because it is the region they came from, so it impacted their lifestyle by forcing them to be nomads due to lack of agricultural opportunities until they took over China
  2. Monsoon
    • Who- term used by geographers and historians to help
    • describe weather patterns that affect people

    What- seasonal winds that change direction twice a year

    When- occur twice a year (during summer and winter in Asia)

    Where- throughout the world, in some places more drastic than others

    How- example of climate or geography of an area changing the way people live, enabled the survival of people in the Indus River Valley
  3. Filial piety
    Who- citizens of the Han dynasty

    What- obedience and respect for one’s parents and ancestors

    When- during the Han dynasty

    Where- China

    How- it was an important Confucian belief
  4. Mandate of Heaven
    Who- first used by the Zhou dynasty and later by many others such as Qin to gain loyalty

    What- principle stating that the gods would support a just ruler, but they would not allow anyone corrupt to hold power

    When- began around 1100 BC

    Where- China

    How- Chinese rulers later used it to explain the dynastic cycle
  5. Bedouins
    Who- small groups of nomadic people

    What- moved their herds between scattered oases

    When- around 1,500 years ago

    Where- Arabian Peninsula

    How- important because Muhammad (founder of Islam) grew up a bedouin
  6. Ka’aba
    Who- considered sacred by polytheist Meccans

    What- an ancient building, in one wall was a stone (possibly meteorite) said to be relic from heaven, inside were idols (small statues of local gods)

    When- the 500s

    Where- Mecca

    How- this site drew religious pilgrims
  7. Muhammad
    Who- founder of Islam

    What- received revelations from Allah which he shared with others to form a new religion, him and followers were forced to leave Mecca when the new ideas were unwelcome, traveled to Medina and recruited more followers, took over Mecca

    When- born in 570

    Where- grew up in Mecca

    • How- Islam became the fastest growing universal
    • religion
  8. Caliph
    • Who- title given to the political and religious leader of
    • Muslims, Abu Bakr was first

    What- “successor to the Prophet”

    When- after Muhammad died in 632

    • Where- Muslim territory from Arabia
    • expanding in all directions

    How- important to have a leader so the Muslims could expand and create an empire
  9. Genghis Khan
    Who- means “Universal Ruler”, got this title after becoming emperor (original name= Temujin)

    What- used military skills and leadership to conquer rivals and unite the Mongol class, built strong armies and led the Mongols in conquering enemies

    When- rose to power in late 1100s, but officially became emperor in 1206

    Where- Mongol empire

    How- important in Asian history because under his rule, the Mongol Empire controlled much of northern China and Central Asia, which began the dominance of the Mongols in Asia
  10. Qu’ran
    Who- used by Muslims,

    What- the sacred text of Islam, collection of Muhammad’s revelations

    When- written years after the revelations

    Where- Arabian Peninsula

    How- important to Islam religion because Muslims read it to hear Allah’s teachings and have a religious experience
  11. 5 Pillars
    Who- delivered by Muhammad to the Muslim people

    • What- the five basic acts of worship in Islam
    • 1. the declaration of faith (shahada)
    • 2. the performance of 5 daily prayers (salat)
    • 3. the giving of alms (zakat)
    • 4. fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawn)
    • 5. pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj)

    When- followed during present day

    Where- throughout the Islamic world

    How- they are central to the Islam religion
  12. Monotheism
    Who- religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam

    What- the belief in one god

    When- first was Judaism, ancient times to present day

    Where- around the world

    How- many of the religions we studied share this belief
  13. Four Noble Truths
    Who- taught by the Buddha

    • What- the guidelines of Buddha’s teachings
    • 1. life = suffering
    • 2. desires cause suffering
    • 3. you can stop suffering by stopping desire
    • 4. the way to end desire is by following the Eightfold Path

    When- followed during present day

    Where- began in northern India

    How- important to the lifestyle of all Buddhists
  14. Middlemen
    Who- the two ends of the Silk Road (China and Europe) valued them

    What- merchant who buys goods and resells them to other merchants instead of the ultimate customers for a higher price

    When- time that the Silk Road was in use (beginning around 200 BC)

    Where- along the Silk Road

    How- important so countries can buy useful goods that they don’t have
  15. Caravans
    Who- traders

    What- a group of wagons/mules/camels travelling together

    When- time that the Silk Road was in use (beginning around 200 BC)

    Where- the Silk Road

    How- important because a large group protected merchants from being attacked
  16. Supply and demand
    Who- merchants and trading companies

    What- the more goods were wanted in the foreign market, the more they were bought and sold for a higher price

    When- time that the Silk Road was in use

    Where- Silk Road

    How- important to profit
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History Midterm 2011
All the 5 point definitions I need to know for the history midterm