Lesson 8 Vocabulary

  1. Bucollic
    • New: Rustic
    • Old: Herdsman, Cow herd
  2. Canard
    • New: One who tells a false or unfounded story
    • Old: duck
  3. Curate
    • New: One who takes care of souls
    • Old: To take care of
  4. Grovel
    • New: To serve
    • Old: One the face
  5. Genuflect
    • New: To kneel in respect
    • Old: To take care of
  6. Mellifluous
    • New: Pleasent to the ear
    • Old: To flow with honey
  7. Molify
    • New: To appease
    • Old: To make soft
  8. Monolithic
    • New: massive, undifferented whole
    • Old: Composed of a single stone
  9. Obelisk
    • New: Pointed Pillar
    • Old: Pointed Pillar
  10. Procrastinate
    • New: To postpone things that should be done now
    • Old: Tomorrow
  11. Saturnine
    • New: Sluggish, gloomy, sullen
    • Old: Born under the influence of Saturn
  12. Symposium
    • New: Conference where subject is discussed by experts.
    • Old: Drinking party
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Lesson 8 Vocabulary
Lesson 8 Vocabulary Sophomore English