American Experience 1930s

  1. What did the bonus army do in 1932?
    20,000 veterans and their families build Hooverville in DC and demand bonus. kicked out by army
  2. when was FDR elected?
  3. what is relief?
    immediate help for families
  4. what is recovery?
    long term plan for improvement
  5. what is reform?
    making changes to the gov't and econ to prevent future problems
  6. What does FDIC stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Federal Depositor's Insurance Corporation
    • insured bank deposits
    • reform
  7. What does FERA stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Federal Emergancy Releif Association
    • sends funds to agencies trying to help Americans
    • relief
  8. Who was associated with FERA?
    Harry Hopkins
  9. What does CWA stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Civil Works Program
    • gave jobs building and repairing roads, parks, airports
    • relief
  10. What does CCC stand for?
    • Civilian Conservation Corp
    • sent young unmarried men to work on camps, forests, beaches and parks
  11. What ethnic group was helped? How were they helped? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Native Americans
    • get $ for schools, hospitals, irrigation systems
    • relief and reform
  12. What do NIRA and NRA stand for? What did they do? Were they relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • National Industrial Recovery Act and National Recovery Act
    • helped to fix econ: regulated wages, working conditions, production and prices; power was given to unions
    • recovery/reform
  13. What does PWA stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Public Works Administration
    • huge engineering projects like Grand Coulee Dam
    • relief
  14. What does AAA stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Agricultural Adjustment Act
    • gov't supports farmers efforts to raise prices and farmers paid not to grow crops
    • relief/recovery
  15. What does TVA stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Tennessee Valley Authority
    • hydroelectric plants in south- provided jobs and electricity
    • relief and recovery
  16. What does the WPA stand for? What did it do? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • Works Progress Administration
    • More jobs in communities, schools, hospitals and jobs for artists, performers, musicians
    • relief and recovery
  17. What is the Social Security System? Was it relief, recovery or reform or a combo of both?
    • retirement savings and survivors benefits, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent children and disabled
    • reform
  18. How was the new deal communicated?
    fireside chats
  19. What were two criticisms of the new deal?
    • 1) too much gov't control vs. not enough
    • 2) deficit spending and national debt
  20. What did FDR propose about the Supreme Court that was criticised? What was this propal called?
    • increases number of supreme court justices, (9-12).
    • Court Packing
  21. What is fascism?
    philosphy that the nation is more important than individual
  22. Which two leaders used fascism after WWI and Great Depression to rebuild their countries?
    • Adolf Hitler- Germany
    • Benito Mussolini- Italy
  23. What fascist group did Mussolini form? What were they based on?
    • Blackshirts
    • They were angry that they were shortchanged in WWI
  24. What happened in Nov 1923?
    Hitler failed to overthrow gov't
  25. How long did Hitler go to jail for? What did he do as a result?
    • 9 months
    • wrote Mein Kampf (my struggle)
  26. What does Der Fuher mean?
    the leader
  27. What does Germany violate by invading Rhineland?
    Treaty of versailles
  28. Who does Hitler sign an alliance with? What is this alliancce (which later includes Japan) called?
    • Mussolini (Italy)
    • Axis Powers
  29. What is the Appeasement of Hitler?
    European leaders give in to Hitler to keep peace
  30. What happened on September 1st, 1939?
    Hitler invaded Poland. WWII began
  31. How long did it take to take Poland?
    one month
  32. What is the Maginot Line?
    Fortification along French border facing Germany: lots of huge guns
  33. In May 1940, which countries does Hitler take? What does he have to avoid to do this?
    • Belgium, Netherlands and France
    • Avoids Maginot Line
  34. What was the evacuation of Dunkirk?
    Rescue of British forces who had been defending France
  35. Who was attacking the British forces in France?
    Luftwaffe air force (German)
  36. What was the significance of the evacuation of Dunkirk?
    saved the British Army to fight another day
  37. What was the Battle of Britian?
    Hitler begins intensive bombing campaign on Britain but they refuse to surrender
  38. What is the RAF?
    British Royal Air Force
  39. Where is Japan building it's empire? What is it's goal?
    Empire in China, Korea and Indonesia. Goal= take all of Asia
  40. What were three responses of America to the war in Europe?
    • 1) remain neutral, although FDR builds up Pacific navy
    • 2) congress passes neutrality acts but weapons and supplies were ssold to Allies
    • 3) lend leases act= president could aid any nation whose defense was vital to America's
  41. What helps the economy to turn around?
    war production
  42. What is FDR's response to Japanese agression in Asia?
    FDR cuts off trade with Japan and freezes all Japanese assets in US
  43. On what day was Pearl Harbor attacked by Japan?
    Dec 7th, 1941
  44. What was the result of Pearl Harbor?
    congress declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy
  45. What does the following quote refer to:
    "If your neighbor's house is on fire, you don't sell him a hose. You lend it to him and take it back after the fire is out."
    Lend Lease Act
  46. What does Blitzkrieg mean? What does it refer to?
    "Lightning War" A stategy of Hitler's to inavde very quickly
  47. Totalitarian
    governments with total control
  48. What does Hitler propose in his book, Mein Kampt?
    • expanding military/ German borders
    • "purifying Aryan race"
  49. What was Hitler's response to the accusations that he murdered his enemies?
    He did it for his country
  50. How were British troops rescued during the Evacuation of Dunkirk?
    by civilian fisherman and boaters
  51. What was a new weapon of WWII?
    aircraft carriers
  52. The term for America providing military weapons and supplies yo Europe:
    Arsenal of Democracy
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American Experience 1930s