
  1. What are some of the genral functions of the human body cells?
    • Covering
    • Lining
    • Storage
    • Movement
    • Connection
    • Defense
    • Communication
    • Reproduction
  2. Example and function of covering cells?
    • Epidermal cells in skin
    • Protect outer surface of body
  3. Example and function of lining cells?
    • Epithelial cells in small intestine
    • Regulate nutreint movement into body tissues
  4. Example and function of storage cells?
    • Fat cells, Liver cells
    • Store lipid reserves(fat), store cardohydrate nutrient as glycogen(liver)
  5. Example and function of movement cells?
    • Muscle cells of the heart, Skeletal muscle cells.
    • pump blood(heart), Move skeleton(skeletal)
  6. Example and function of connective cells?
    • Collagen(protien) fibers from fibroblast
    • form ligaments that attatch bone to bone
  7. Example and function of defense cells?
    • Lymphocytes
    • Produce antibodies to target antigens or invading cells
  8. Example and function of communication cells?
    • Nerve cells
    • Send info between regions of the brain
  9. Example and function of reproduction cells?
    • Bone marrow stem cells, Sperm and oocyte cells
    • Produce new blood cells, produce new individual
  10. What is the importance of a cell?
    When grouped together they preform specialized functions.
  11. Tissues and cells divide through what?
  12. The internal covering of the organs is called what?
    Visceral peritoneum.
  13. The outer layer of the organs is called?
    Parietal peritoneum
  14. A stem cell is what?
    An undifreanciated cell which means it has the ability to change into anything.
  15. What are some of the functions of the Nucleus?
    • Produces ribosomal RNA(copy for making protien)
    • Transcribes protien to fix the phospholipid bylayer
    • Makes enzyme
    • Making Lysomomes which ingulf bacteria
  16. What is the structure and function of the Cytoplasm?
    • Contains cytosol and organelles
    • Metobolic processes of the cell, stores nutreints
  17. What is the structure and function of the Cytosol?
    • Viscous fluid with solutes(ions,nuttrients,protiens,CHO,lipids)
    • Support for organelles
  18. What is the structure and function of the Inclusions?
    • droplets of melanin, protien, glycogen, or lipids
    • store materials
  19. What is the Structure and function of the rough ER?
    • Cisternae with ribosomes(structure)
    • Synthesizes proteins for secretion, new protiens for membrane, Lysosomal enzymes(function).
  20. What is the structure and function of the Golgi appuratus?
    • Smooth membrane sacs with shuttle vessicles
    • Sorts modifies and packages new proteins and decides where there gonna go
  21. What is the structure and function of the Smooth ER?
    • No ribosomes; membrane tubbules and vesicles
    • Synthesizes lipids; metabolizes CHO(carbohydrates), detoxifies druges and alcohol
  22. What is the structure and function of the Lysosomes?
    • Membrane sacs with digestive enzymes
    • digest materials ingested by cell; remove old damaged organelles
  23. What is the structure and function of the Peroxisomes?
    • Membrane enclosed; contains enzymes to break down harmful substances
    • Convert hydrogyn peroxide formed during metabolis to water
  24. What is the structure and function of the Mitochondria?
    • double membrane
    • Powerhouse of the cell; ATP
  25. What is the structure and function of the Microtubules?
    • tubulin protien, able to lengthen and shorten
    • Support, hold organelles in place, cell rigidity, cilia and flegella
  26. What is the essentail function of a Microvilli and cilia?
    Increase surface area to abssorb more nutrients.
  27. What is the structure and function of the Cytoskeleton?
    • Protien Filaments or hollow
    • Structural support
  28. What is the importants of a cenriol?
    It pulls apart the microtubules and starts lining the cromosomes in a line which is the beggining of cellular division(mitosis)
  29. What does lipid soluable mean?
    It means that it can be readily absored into the cell easily. Passes through the cell membrane easily
  30. What is the importants of glycoprotien witha glycocalyx inside the plasma membrane. refer to pg. 31
    It tells the immune system that if this is here leave us alone if it is not or partial missing destroy it to prevent mutation and the invasion of foriegn materials.
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