What is Pharmacology?
Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their interactions with living cells or systems. Deals with legal and illegal drugs, Rx, non-Rx, herbal and non-herbal supplements.
Chemical substance used in dx. Tx, or prevention of disease
Is food considered a drug? Why?
No because it’s supposed to be natural with no additives-but definition is becoming less clear with more additives of chemicals into food for a variety of medical effects.
What are the seven characteristics from book one must know to administer drugs safely?
- -the appropriate dose to use
- -the route of administration
- -the indication or reason for using the drug
- -significant side effects and potential adverse reactions
- -relevant drug interactions
- -contraindications for using the drug in a particular client-appropriate monitoring techniques and interventions in case of a medical emergency
Who is the Father of Medicine?
Hippocrates 3000 BC
What is a collection of drug info in a specific geographic area?
What is the use of experience or statiscal probablilites for making drug choices?
What are sources of Drugs?
- plants
- animals (insulin, estrogen)
- minerals (iron, calcium)
- synthetic from labs
What are the three names in a
Drug Nomenclature?
- Chemical name
- Generic name (official)
- Trade or brand name (proprietary name)
How many years’ is a Proprietary name protected?
17 years
What name of a drug is from the chemical composition and molecular structure?
Chemical name
What name of a drug is a shorter name derived from the chemical name?
Generic name
What name is a name of manufacturer copyrights and gives its approved drug product.
Brand name
What is it called when products produce similar concentrations of the drug in the blood and tussues?
Biologically equivalent
It is called what if clinical trials show the generic drug to have an equal therapeutic effect?
Therapeutically equivalent
Are Therapeutic and Biological equivelence the same? why?
Yes, because the amount of a drug in the blood or tissues is a requirement for a therapeutic effect.
Drugs are classified by what?
- intended use (indication)
- effect produced in body
- chemical category of agent
- Pregnancy safety category
A drug can be a
prescription or a _______ drug, which means it can only be secured with a prescription.
Legend drug
What agency is responsible for approving drugs that have been shown to be safe and effective?
Food and Drug Administration
Who enforces federal consumer protection laws and regulates marketing practices and advertising on foods, non-Rx drugs, dietary supplements, and products promising health benefits.
Federal trade commission (FTC)
Who administers the requirements in the controlled substance act-identifies drugs capable of causing addiction and sets requirements for prescribing drugs with potential for abuse?
Drug Enforcement Administration
Who do drug trials often exclude?
children, women, and the elderly
What act reduced drug addiction of substance abuse in 1914?
Harrison Narcotic Act (HNA)-1914
What act in 1970 was designed to prevent drug abuse and dependence
and include recommendations for treatment and rehabilitation?
Comprehensive Drug abuse Prevention and control act of 1970
What are the roles of Dental hygienists in Pharmacology?
- Make recommendations regarding drugs to pts.
- -recording requirements
- -understand pharmacology of drugs recommended
- Investigate pharmacological effects of drugs/herbs identified on health history
- Make modification of treatment plan
What the "changes within a body caused by a drug" called?
Pharmacologic effects
Drug card preparation should include:
- Drug name (generic name, brand name)
- Indication-why taken
- Side effects relevant to dental hygiene care
- Clinical implication for each drug effect experienced by client and tx. Implications for the indication of the drug
- Oral health info related to drug effects, drug warnings, or the condition for which the drug was indicated