Compromised Pt

  1. 4 indications for laboratory tests include the following: (give examples for each)
    1. detection of susptected disease
    2. screening high risk pts for suspected disease
    3. establishing normal baseline values before treatment
    4. addressing medicolegal considerations
    • 1. diabetes, infection, bleeding disorders
    • 2. diabetes, AIDS
    • 3. anticoagulant status, white blood cells, platelets
    • 4. possible bleeding disorders, hepatitis B infection
  2. What are 2 methods of physician referral and consultation and their advantages?
    • phone consultation: obtain immediate information and ask follow up questions
    • letter or fax requests: provides a written statement of the physician's reply
  3. What items make up the patients health data that you must have before you assess it? (4)
    • history
    • clinical examination
    • laboratory test results
    • consultations
  4. What is a widely used method of expressing medical risk?
    ASA physical classification system
  5. Which ASA class is a normal healthy pt?
    ASA I
  6. Which ASA class is a pt with mild systemic disease that does not interfere with daily activity, or pt with a significant health risk factor (e.g. smoking, alcohol abuse, gross obesity)
    ASA II
  7. Which ASA class is a pt with moderate to sever systemic disease that is not incapacitating but that may alter daily activity?
  8. Which ASA class is a pt with severe systemic disease that is incompacitating and is a constant threat to life?
    ASA IV
  9. List the 4 'A's' of the ABC's of risk assessment
    • antibiotics
    • anesthesia
    • anxiety
    • allergy
  10. What is the 'B' of the ABC's of risk assessment?
  11. What is the 'C' in the ABC's of risk assessment?
    chair position
  12. What are the 2 'D's' of the ABC's of risk assessment?
    • drugs
    • devices
  13. What are the 2 'E's' of the ABC's of risk assessment?
    • equipment
    • emergencies
  14. What are the 3 different treatment modifications that may need to be made after risk assessment?
    • preoperative
    • intraoperative
    • postoperative
  15. prophylactic antibiotics given prior to certain dental procedures in a pt at risk for bacterial endocarditis
    determination of the INR prior to surgery in a pt taking coumadin
    ensuring food intake prior to treatment in a diabetic pt on insulin
    prescribing an anxiolytic drug for an anxious pt with stable angina
    Are all examples of what kind of treatment modification?
  16. limiting the amount of vasoconstrictor in a pt who takes a nonselective beta blocker
    administering nitrous to an anxious pt with poorly controlled hypertension
    using an upright chair position for a pt with heart failure
    avoiding the use of electrosurgery in a pt with a pace maker
    avoiding elective radiographs in a pregnant pt
    Are all examples of what kind of treatment modification?
  17. use of extra local measures for hemostasis in a pt taking coumadin
    prescribing antibiotics for a poorly controlled diabetic following surgery
    prescribing adequate post-operative analgesia for a pt on chronic steroids
    Are all examples of what kind of treatment modification?
  18. What might stress and anxiety do for a pt who is medically compromised?
    reduce the risk of an emergency
  19. What are 4 stress reduction tactics that can be used prior to treatment?
    • establish good rapport and trust
    • explain treatment to be administered
    • short morning appointments
    • oral premed with sedative
  20. What are 5 stress and anxiety reduction tactics that are used during injections?
    • avoid pain
    • keep needle and syrince out of sight
    • take your time
    • allow adequate time for anesthesia to take effect
    • use profound anesthesia initially
  21. What are 3 stress and anxiety reduction tactics that can be used at the end of the appointment?
    • prescribe appropriate analgesia
    • post op instructions
    • post treatment phone call
  22. ** Missed on Quiz. What is a factor in determining the severity of the appointment along with the invasiveness and length of appointment?
    blood loss
  23. **Missed on Quiz. What is a way to prevent patients from coming to appointments and not being aware of medical conditions?
    Screening phone calls
Card Set
Compromised Pt
week one