Compromised Pt.

  1. What are the 5 things that vital signs consist of?
    • blood pressure
    • pulse
    • respiratory rate
    • temperature
    • height and weight
  2. When is temperature usually measured?
    only when indicated such as infection or suspected systemic involvement
  3. how can height and weight be determined?
    by questioning the pt
  4. What are the 2 main benefits of vital sign measurement?
    • establishing baseline normal values ensuring a standard of comparison in the event of an emergency
    • screening to identify abnormalities either diagnosed or undiagnosed
  5. Which two areteries are the standard procedure for measuring pulse?
    • carotid (neck)
    • radial (thumb side of wrist)
  6. Why should the pulse by palpated for one minute rather than a shorter amount of time?
    to detect rhythm abnormalities
  7. Which artery should be used to detect pulse in an emergency?
  8. What is the average pulse rate in adults?
    60-100 bpm
  9. a pulse rate greater than 100 bpm
  10. a slow pulse rate of less than 60 bpm
  11. What are 6 things that might influence/cause an abnormal pulse rate?
    • cardiovascular disorder
    • exercise
    • conditioning
    • anxiety
    • drugs
    • fever
  12. What is the pulse called when heart beats occur at irregular intervals?
    • irregular dysrhythmic or
    • arrythmic
  13. What percent of the circumberence of the arem should the bladder with the cuff encompass when measuring blood pressure?
  14. the center of the blood pressure bladdar should be centered over what artery?
  15. a blood pressure cuff that is too small will yeild false _________ BP results
  16. a blood pressure cuff that is too large will yeild false _______ BP results
  17. what technique method is used in measuring blood pressure readings?
  18. the lower border of the BP cuff should be placed about one inch above what?
    the antecubital fossa
  19. When you release the pressure valve of a blood pressure cuff, how fast should the needle fall?
    2-3 mm Hg per second
  20. beating sounds that are heard indicating the systolic pressure when they start, and diasolic pressure when the beats stop
    korotkoff sounds
  21. korotkoff sounds become inaudible between systolic and diastolic pressure, and may reappear as cuff deflation is continued
    auscultatory gap
  22. true or false. BP rates usually increase with age
  23. What is pulse pressure?
    the difference between systolic and diastolic pressures
  24. Normal BP rates in an adult are:
    less than 120/80
  25. What BP rate indicates prehypertension?
  26. What BP rate indicates stage 1 hypertension?
  27. What BP rate indicates stage 2 hypertension?
    greater than 160/100
  28. What is the normal respiratory rate in a resting adult?
    12-16 breaths per minute
  29. a common abnormality in respiratory rate of anxious patients is what?
  30. What are 4 things to note about a pts respiration?
    • rate and depth
    • labored
    • rapid
    • irregular breathing pattern
  31. What is the normal oral temperature? What time of day is this temperature usually highest?
    • 98.6 *F
    • afternoon
  32. What 4 things might a rapid loss of weight be a sign of?
    • malignancy
    • diabetes
    • tuberculosis
    • other wasting disease
  33. What 4 things might a rapid weight gain be a sign of?
    • heart failure
    • edema
    • hyperthyroidism
    • neoplasm
  34. What are the two head and neck exams that should be performed as part of the physical examination at the beginnning of the appointment?
    • intraoral
    • extraoral
Card Set
Compromised Pt.
week one