logic test #1

  1. Rational
    truth or falsity of a statement is found in the mind or brain
  2. Necessary
    the truth or falsity of the statement can't be otherwise (either necessarily true or necessarily false)
  3. Tautology
    a necessarily true statement
  4. Self-contradition
    a necessarily false statement
  5. a priori
    from before
  6. Analytic
    the grammatical subject is contained in the grammatical predicate
  7. Empirical
    truth or falsity of a statement is found in the world
  8. Contingent
    the truth or falsity of a statement depends on the conditions that exist in the world.
  9. A posteriori
    from after
  10. Synthetic
    the grammatical subject is not contained in the grammatical predicate
  11. Logical possibility
    any statement that does not contain a contradiction is logically possible
  12. statement/premises
    have truth value
  13. Arguement
    is a set of statements called premises offered in support of conclusions
  14. Assumptions
    statements cannot be proven true or false
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logic test #1
study for test #1 in Logic