Compromised Pt

  1. How can a dental professional determine the natrue, severity, and stability of a pts medical condition?
    by looking at the pts health history
  2. Risk assessment involves the evaluation of what 4 components?
    • nature, severit, and stability of pt's medical condition
    • functional capacity of pt
    • emotional status of pt
    • type and magnityed of the planned procedure (invasive or noninvsive)
  3. What are the 2 basic techniques used to obtain a medical history?
    • interview
    • printed questionnaire followed by follow-up questions
  4. In addition to a medical history, the dental pt should be afforded the benefits of a simple _________ _______
    physical examination
  5. The simple physical examination should include what 3 assessments?
    • general appearance
    • measurement of vitals
    • examination of head and neck
  6. true or false. By observing a pts outward appearance we may be able to identifiy signs of possible trouble
  7. Name 8 outward appearances we might observe that would be signs of possible trouble
    • lethargic demeanor
    • cacnetic appearance (general ill health with emaciation)
    • Ill-kept
    • body odors
    • staggering or halting gait
    • extreme thinness or obesity
    • difficulty breathing
  8. Why should the dental probessional be sensitive to breath odors?
    they might indicate different systemic problems
  9. acetone odor on breath may be associated with what?
  10. ammonia odor on breath may be associated with what?
    • renal failure
    • putrefaction of pulmonary infections
    • alcohol - possibly associated with alcohol abuse or liver disease
  11. Why is it important to observe the skin and nails in a physical exam?
    changes in the skin and nails are frequently associated with systemic disease
  12. cyanosis and nails may be associated with what systemic disease?
    cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency
  13. Skin yellowing may be associated with what systemic disease?
    liver disease
  14. pigmentation of skin may be associated with what systemic disease?
    hormonal abnormalities
  15. petechiae or ecchymoses can be signs of what?
    a blood cyscrasia or bleeding disorder
  16. Alterations in the finger nails such as clubbing is seen in what?
    cardiopulmonary insufficiency
  17. white nails are seen in what?
  18. yellowing of nails may be from what?
  19. splinter hemorrhages may be from what?
    bacterial endocarditis
  20. alterations in nails are usually caused by ________ disorders
  21. the dorsal surface of the hands, bridge of nose, infraorbital regions, and ears are common sites for ______ _______ and _____ _______
    basal cell carcinomas (skin cancer)
  22. What are the 5 areas that are important to observe about a pts general appearance?
    • skin and nails
    • face
    • eyes and nose
    • ears
    • neck
  23. large and coarse features of the face might indicate what?
  24. pale, edematous features of the face might indicate what condition?
    nephrotic syndrome
  25. moon facies of the face might indicate what condition?
    Cushing's syndrome
  26. dull puffy facies might indicate what condition?
  27. unilateral paralysis of the face might indicate what condition?
    Bell's Palsey
  28. What condition might cause an eye lid reaction resulting in a wide-eyed stare?
  29. What condition of the eyelids causes xanthomas, or yellow splochiness?
  30. What condition might cause yellowing of the sclera of the eye?
  31. What 3 things might cause reddened conjunctiva of the eye?
    • sicca syndrome
    • allergy
    • iritis
  32. What condition should be inspected on the helix or antihelix of the ear?
    gouty tophi
  33. An earlobe crease occurs more in pts with what disease than those without it?
    coronary artery disease
  34. _________ or pre-_________ lesions may be found on and around the ears
    • malignant
    • premalignant
  35. What two things should the neck be checked for in a physical examination?
    • enlargment
    • asymmetry
Card Set
Compromised Pt
week one