DH Theory 2

  1. Inflammation of the gingiva characterized clinically by changes in color, gingival form, position, surface appearance, and presence of bleeding and/or exudate
    • Periodontal case type I
    • gingival disease
  2. progression of the gingival inflammation into the deeper periodontal structures and alveolar bone crest, with slight bone loss. There is usually a slight loss of connective tissue attachment and alveolar bone
    • Periodontal case type II
    • Early periodontitis
  3. A more advanced stage of the preceding condition, with increased destruction of the periodontal structures and noticeable loss of bone support, possibly accompanied by an increase in tooth mobility. There may be furcation involvement in multirooted teeth
    • periodontal case type III
    • moderate periodontitis
  4. Further progression of periodontitis with major loss of alveolar bone support usually accompanied by increased tooth mobility. Furcation involvement in multirooted teeth
    • Periodontal case type IV
    • advanced periodontitis
  5. The stages of development of gingivities and periodontitis are divided into what 4 lesions?
    • initial
    • early
    • established
    • advanced
  6. Which lesion type is known as the inflammatory response to dental biofilm?
    initial lesion
  7. Which lesion do the following characteristics describe?
    occurs within 2-4 days of irritation from bacteria
    migration and infiltration of white blood cells in into the junctional epithelium and gingival sulcus result from the natural body response to infectious agents
    increased flow of gingival sulcus fluid
    early breakdown of collagen of the supporting gingival fiber groups
    fluid fills the spaces in the connective tissue
    Initial lesion
  8. Describe the clinical appearance of the initial lesion
    • no clinical evidence of change appears in the earliest phase
    • there may be slight marginal redness with enlargement due to the fluid collection
  9. Which lesion type is known as the increased inflammatory response?
    early lesion
  10. Which lesion do the following characteristics describe?
    7-14 days of irritation from bacteria dental biofilm becomes older and thicker
    infiltration of fluid, lymphocytes, and neutrophils with a few plasma cells in the connective tissue
    breakdown of collagen fiber support to the gingival margin
    Epithelial extenesions and rete ridges are formed
    early lesion
  11. Describe the clinical appearance of the early lesion
    slight gingival enlargement
  12. True or false. Early gingivitis is reversible when biofilm is controlled and inflammation is reduced
  13. true or false. Susceptibility of individuals and time before lesion becomes established does NOT vary.
    FALSE! They DO vary
  14. Which lesion type is known as progression from early lesion?
    the established lesion
  15. Which lesion do the following characteristics describe?
    fluid and leukocyte migration into tissues and sulcus increases; plasma cells are realted to areas of chronic inflammation
    formation of pocket epithelium
    collagen destruction continues; connective tissue fiber support is lost
    progression to early periodontal lesion may occur
    established lesion
  16. Proliferation of the junctional and sulcular epithelium continue in an attempt to wall out the inflammation occurs during what?
    formation of pocket epithelium in the established lesion
  17. Is pocket epithelium more permeable than regular epithelium?
  18. describe the clinical appearance of the established lesion
    • clear evidence of inflammation
    • marginal redness
    • bleeding on probing
    • spongy marginal gingiva
    • later chronic fobrosis develops
  19. Which lesion type is known as extension of inflammation?
    advanced lesion
  20. Which lesion do the following characteristics describe?
    subgingival biofilm forms as a reslult of supragingival biofilm entering sulcus
    biofilm microorganisms produce irritants
    alveolar bone destruction
    advanced lesion - extension of inflammation
  21. What occurs when inflammation spreads through the loose connective tissue along the blood vessels to the alveolar bone?
    alveolar bone destruction in the advanced lesion
  22. Where does the inflammation of the advanced lesion most commonly enters the bone?
    through small vessel channels in the alveolar crest
  23. Where does inflammation from the advanced lesion spread?
    through the bone marrow and out into the periodontal ligament, destroying the alveolar bone
  24. Which lesion type also includes progressive destruction of connective tissue?
    advanced lesion
  25. Which lesion do the following characteristics describe?
    connective tissue fibers below the JE are destroyed, and the epithelium migrates along the root surface
    coronal portion of JE becomes detached
    exposed cementum where sharpey's fibers were attached become altered by inflammatory products of bacteria and the sulcus fluid
    diseased cementum contains a thin layer of endotoxins from bacterial breakdown
    the pocket continues to deepen
    advanced lesion - progressive destruction of connective tissue
  26. The following characteristics describe what lesion?
    pocket formation, mobility, bone loss, all signs of periodontitis
    persistence of the chronic inflammatory process; plasma cells predominate
    JE continues to migrate; lesion extends through connective tissue
    Periods of inactivitiy alternating with periods of activity can be expected (furcation involvement)
    advanced lesion.
  27. Which cells predominate in the advanced lesion?
    plasma cells
  28. diseased sulcus
  29. What is the treatment area where calculus collects and instrumentation for nonsurgical periodontal therapy is applied?
    sulcus and pocket
  30. What distinguishes a pocket from a sulcus?
    the presence or absence of infection
  31. What distinguishes a gingival pocket from a periodontal pocket?
    the level of attachment on the tooth
  32. What is the innter wall of a pocket?
    What is the outer wall of a pocket?
    • tooth surface
    • sulcular epithelium or pocket epithelium
  33. Where is the base of the pocket?
    where the inner and outer walls meet
  34. Where is the coronal margin of the attached periodontal tissue?
    the base of the pocket
Card Set
DH Theory 2
Week one