English3 Vocabulary 2

  1. conceit
    a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor
  2. concrete detail
    details that relate actual, specific things or instances
  3. connotation
    the implied or associative meaning or a word
  4. cumulative sentence
    a sentence in which the main independent clause is elaborated by the successive addition of modifying clauses or phrases
  5. declarative sentence
    a sentence which maes a statement or declaration
  6. deductive reasoning
    reasoning in which a conclusion is reached by stating a general principle an then applying that principle and then applying that prionciple to a specific case (all men are mortal; socrates is a man; therefore, socrtes is mortal)
  7. denotaion
    the literal meaning of a word
  8. dialogue
    conversation between two or more people
  9. didactic
    having the primary purpose of teaching or instructing
  10. diction
    the word choicesmade by a writer
  11. dilemma
    a situation that requiores a person to descide between two equally attractive/ unattractive alternatives
  12. dissonance
    harsh, inharmonious, or discordant sounds
  13. elergy
    a formal poem presenting a meditation on death or another solemn event
  14. ellipsis
    the omission of a word or phrase which is grammatically necessary but can be deduced from context
  15. epic
    a long narrative poem written in elvated style which present the adventures of characters of hihg position and episodes which are important to the history of a race or nation
  16. epigram
    a brief, pith saying
  17. epigraph
    a saying or statement on the title page of a work, or used as a headin for a chapter or other section
  18. epiphany
    a moment of sudden revelation or insight
  19. epitaph
    an inscription on a tombstone or burial place
  20. epithet
    an adjective used to point out a charactersistic of a person or thing. Hmeric epithets are ofter compound adjectives that become an almost formulaic part of a name
  21. eulogy
    a formal speech praising a person who has died
  22. euphemism
    an indirect, less offesive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant
  23. exclamatory sentence
    a sentence expressing stron feeling, usually punctuated with an exclamation mark
  24. expletive
    an interjection to lend emphasis; somtimes, a profanity
  25. fable
    a brief story which leads to amoral, often using animals as characters
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English3 Vocabulary 2
English3 Vocabulary 2