Volume 4 Chapter 3

  1. Ballistics
    The study of projectile motion and its interactions with the gun, air , and objects it encounters.
  2. Trajectory
    The path a projectile follows
  3. Drag
    The forces acting on a projectile in motion to slow its progress
  4. Cavitation
    The outward motion of tissue due to a projectile's passage, resulting in a temporary cavity and vacuum
  5. Profile
    The size and shape of a projectile as it contacts a target.
  6. Caliber
    The diameter of a bullet expressed in hundreths of an inch. The inside diameter of the barrel of a handgun or rifle.
  7. Yaw
    Swing or wobble around the axis of a projectile's travel
  8. Factors Affecting Energy Exchange Between a Projectile and Body Tissue
    • Velocity
    • Profile
    • Stability
    • Expansion/fragmentation
    • Secondary impacts
    • Shape
  9. Factors Associated with the Damage Pathway of a Projectile Wound
    • Direct injury
    • Pressure shock wave
    • Cavitation
    • -Temporary cavity
    • -Permanent cavity
    • -Zone of injury
  10. Resiliency
    The connective strength and elasticity of an object or fabric
  11. Pericardial Tamponade
    Filling of the pericardial sac with fluid, which in turn limits the filling and function of the heart
  12. Body Regions Deserving Special Attention with Penetrating Trauma
    • Extremities
    • Abdomen
    • Thorax
    • Head
    • Neck
  13. Crichothyrotomy
    A surgical incision into the crichothyroid membrane, usually to provide an emergency airway
  14. Cricothyrostomy
    The introduction of a needle or other tube into the cricothyroid membrane, usually to provide an emergency airway
  15. Prognosis
    Anticiapted outcome of a disease or injury
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Volume 4 Chapter 3
Volume 4 Chapter 3