
  1. -ectasis, -ectasia
    stretching, dilation, dilatation, widening

    • bronchiectasis
    • -dilation of tube from windpipe into lungs

    -Bronchi/o means bronchial tubes. This abnormal condition is often due to chronic infection or obstruction of bronchial tubes.
  2. -emesis

    • hematemesis
    • -vomiting blood

    -Bright red blood is vomited, often associated with esophageal varices or peptic ulcer.
  3. -lysis
    destruction, breakdown, separation

    • hemolysis
    • -destruction of red blood cells

    -red blood cell are destroyed.
  4. -pepsia

    • dyspepsia
    • -difficult digestion
  5. -phagia
    eating, swallowing

    • polyphagia
    • -excessive eating
    • -excessive appetite and uncontrolled eating.

    • dysphagia
    • -difficult swallowing

    -Difficulty in swallowing. Often associated with obstruction or motor (movement) disorder of the esophagus.
  6. -plasty
    surgical repair

    • rhinoplasty
    • -surgical repair of the nose
    • -the structure of the nose is changed.
  7. -ptosis
    drooping; sagging; protruding

    • proptosis
    • -forward prolapse of the eyes

    -Pro- means before, forward. This term refers to the forward protrusion of the eye (exophthalmos).
  8. -ptysis

    • hemoptysis
    • -spitting up blood from the lung
    • -from the respiratory tract and lungs.
  9. -rrhage, -rrhagia
    bursting forth (of blood)

    • hemorrhage
    • -bursting out blood
    • -loss of a large amount of blood in a short period.

    • menorrhagia
    • -excessive bleeding during menstruation
    • **Excessive bleeding at the time of menstruation. Men/o means menstrual flow or menstruation.
  10. -rrhaphy

    • herniorrhaphy
    • -suture of hernia
    • **Repair (as in stitching or suturing) of a hernia. Hernioplasty is a synonym.
  11. -rrhea
    flow, discharge

    • dysmenorrhea
    • -painful menstrual flow
    • **Pain associated with menstruation.
  12. -spasm
    involuntary contraction of muscles

    • pylorospasm
    • -sudden, involuntary muscles contraction of stomach

    • bronchospasm
    • -involuntary muscles contraction of bronchial tubes.
    • **A cheif characteristic of bronchitis and asthma.
  13. -stasis
    stopping; controlling

    • cholestasis
    • -stopping of bile flow
    • **Flow of bile from the liver to the duodunum is interrupted.

    • hemostasis
    • -stopping blood flow
    • **Bleeding is stopped by mechanical or chemical means, or by the coagulation process of the body.
  14. -stenosis
    tightening, stricture, narrowing

    • pyloric stenosis
    • -narrow pylorus cause vomiting
    • **This is a congenital defect in newborns blocking the flow of food into the small intestine. Pyloromyotomy can correct the condition.
  15. -atresia

    • atresia
    • -absence or closure of body passage
    • **Absence of a normal opening.

    • esophageal atresia
    • -esophagus does not develop properly
    • -A congenital anomaly in which the esophagus does not connect with the stomach. A tracheoesophageal fistula often accompanies this abnormality.

    • biliary atresia
    • -blockage in the ducts (bile) from liver to the gallbladder.
    • **Congenital hypoplasia or nonformation of bile ducts causes neonatal cholestasis and jaundice.
  16. -ase

    • lipase
    • -enzyme break down fats in food so can be absorbed in the intestines.

    **Enzymes speed up chemical reactions. Lipase aids in the digestion of fats. In all types of liver disease, liver enzyme levels may be elevated, indicating damage to liver cells. Signs and symptoms include malaise, anorexia, hepatomegaly, jaundice, and abdominal pain.
  17. -chezia
    defecation, elimination of wastes

    • hematochezia
    • -the bright red bloody stools
    • -bright red blood is found in the feces.
  18. -iasis
    abnormal condition

    • choledocholithiasis
    • -stone in common bile duct.
  19. -prandial

    • postprandial
    • -after a meal
    • **Post cibum (p.c.), seen on written prescriptions, also means after meals.
Card Set
Adv.MedT.Ch6.DigestiveSystem.Suffixes (P.188-192)