
  1. serum bilirubin
    measurement of bile pigment in the blood
  2. stool culture
    placement of feces in a growth medium for bacterial analysis
  3. barium enema
    x-ray examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract
  4. abdominal ultrasonography
    imaging of abdominal viscera via sound waves
  5. stool guaiac (Hemoccult)
    test to reveal hidden blood in feces
  6. small bowel follow-through
    sequential x-ray images of the small intestine
  7. percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTHC)
    injection of contrast material through the skin into the liver, to obtain x-ray images of bile vessels
  8. nasogastric intubation
    insertion of a tube through the nose into the stomach
  9. CT Scan of the abdomen
    transverse x-ray pictures of the abdominal organs
  10. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
    injection of contrast material via endoscope to obtain x-ray images of the pancreas and bile ducts
  11. gastric bypass (bariatric surgery)
    reduction of stomach size and gastrojejunostomy
  12. endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)
    insertion of an endoscope and use of ultrasound imaging to visualize the organs of the gastrointestinal tract
  13. liver biopsy
    percutaneous removal of liver tissue followed by microscopic examination
  14. laparoscopy (form of minimally invasive surgery)
    visual examination (endoscopic) of abdominal viscera through small abdominal incisions
  15. gastrostomy (G tube)
    new opening of the stomach to the outside of the body for feeding
Card Set
Adv.MedT.Ch6.DigestiveSystem.LabTest&ClinicalProcedure (P.206)