MHCC MO114 - Chapter 2 Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants

  1. Right hypochondriac region
    Right upper region below (hypo-) the cartilage (chondr/o) of the ribs that extend over the abdomen.
  2. Left hypochondriac region
    Left upper region below the rib cartilage.
  3. Epigastric region
    Region above (epi-) the stomach.
  4. Right lumbar region
    Right middle region near the waist.
  5. Left lumbar region
    Left middle region near the waist.
  6. Umbilical region
    Region of the naval or umbilicus.
  7. Right inguinal region (Right iliac region)
    Right lower region near the groin (inguin/o) which is the area where the legs join the trunk of the body.
  8. ilium
    The upper portion of the hip bone.
  9. Left inguinal region (Left iliac region)
    Left lower region near the groin.
  10. Hypogastric region
    Middle lower region below the umbilical region.
  11. RUQ - Right Upper Quadrant
    Contains the liver (right lobe), gallbladder, part of the pancreas, parts of the intestines.
  12. LUQ - Left Upper Quadrant
    Contains the liver (left lobe), stomach, spleen, part of the pancreas, parts of the small and large intestines.
  13. RLQ - Right Lower Quadrant
    Contains parts of the intestines, right ovary, right fallopian tube, appendix, right ureter.
  14. LLQ - Left Lower Quadrant
    Contains parts of the intestines, left ovary, left fallopian tube, left ureter.
Card Set
MHCC MO114 - Chapter 2 Abdominopelvic Regions and Quadrants
The Language of Medicine Chapter 2