1. formula for magnification
  2. what type of image does a diverging (convex) mirror/lens create
    virtual upright image
  3. what type of image does a concave mirr/ lensor create if object is placed beyond focal point, if object is place inside focal point?
    beyond- real inverted image

    inside- virtual upright image
  4. does convex mirror have a (+) or (-) focal length? how about concave mirror?
    convex (-) focal length

    concave mirror (+)
  5. formula for index of refraction
    n=c(speed of light)/v (speed in the medium)
  6. Snell's law
  7. under what conditions will light undergo total internal reflection
    when light travels from higher index to lower index at angle greater than critical angle
  8. does converging lens have a (+) or (-) focal legth? how about diverging lens?
    • converging (+)
    • diverging (-)
  9. (t/f) the real side of lens is the side opposite from the light source
  10. formula for lens power
    P=1/focal length
  11. formula for calculating the energy of a photon
    • E=hf or E=hc/wavelength
    • h-Planck's constant
  12. photoelectric effect
    electron are emitted by a metal that is exposed to light of sufficiently high energy
  13. formula for kinetic energy of an emitted electron
    KE=h(f-fT) where fT is theshold frequency
  14. what happens when a electron jumps from a higher energy level to lower (orbit)?
    will emit a photon whose energy equals the difference in energy btwn the two orbits.
  15. what happens to atom's mass and atomic number when an alpha particle is emitted (alpha decay)
    • atomic number -2
    • mass number -4
  16. what happens to atomic /mass number after beta- decay?how about beta+ (positron) decay ?
    • beta-, the atomic number +1
    • beta+, th atomic number -1

    no change of mass number
  17. what happen to atomic/ mass number after gamma decay
    no change to both
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