
  1. Ideal Posture
    • Center of gravity of each body segment is centered over it supportive base rusulting in maximal physiological & biomedical efficiency
    • plumb line
  2. Benefits of proper posture
    • Breathing
    • Joint Support / Comfort
    • Energy (muscles work less, weight on bones and ligaments)
    • Self Image (more confidense)
  3. Causes of Poor Posture
    • Injury
    • Disease (neuro muscular, CP high tone)
    • Habit - job requirements
    • Muscle imbalance (hip flexor tightness least to ant. pelvic tilt. HD tightness leads to post pelvic tilt)
    • Heredity
    • Age
  4. Postural Changes with Age
    • Increase forward head
    • Kyphosis
    • Decreased bone density
    • Decreased Flexibility
    • Decreased Strength
  5. Spinal Curves
    • Cervical - lordosis
    • Thoracic - kyphosis
    • Lumbar - lordosis
    • Sacral - kyphosis
  6. Plumb Line
    a truly vertical line used as reference in assessment of posture obtained by hanging alead weight, establishes a reference
  7. Functional Deformaity
    • a mal position tat can be fixed immediately
    • tends to be a habit
  8. Structural Deformity
    • Not volunarily correctable
    • a change in muscule or none length
    • muscle - stretch or strengthen
    • bone - brace
Card Set
Exam 1