unit for voltage
volt (joule/coulomb) or kg-m2/A-s3
formula for electric potential (V) given a (q) at distance (r)
formula for electric potential energy (U)?
unit for magnetic field
- Tesla or Gauss
- 1 Tesla =104 Gauss
formula for force on moving charge particle in a magnetic field?
- F=qvBsin()B- magnetic field
unit of current
Ampere (1 Coulomb/sec)
formula for current (I)
formula for force on a current carrying wire in the presence of a magnetic field
formula for magnetic field created by long straight wire
B=(permeability of free space)(current)/(2pi)(distance from wire)=uoi/2pir
formula for magnetic field at enter of loop or wire
formula for electric power
formula for R in series circuit
formula for R in parallel circuit
formula for capacitance
C=(charge stored on the plate)Q/(potential difference btwn plates)V
unit for capacitance
Farad (Coulomb/Volt)
formula for electric field btwn the plates of capacitor
- E=potential difference btwn plates/distance of plates
- =V/d
for AC current, formula for Irms, for Vrms
Irms=Imax/sqrt 2
Vrms=Vmax/sqrt 2
formula for Hooke's law (for springs)
F=-spring constant/displacement=-kx
formula for angular frequency of a mass on a spring and of a pendulum (simple harmonic motion)?
spring- f=sqrt(k/m)
pendulum- f=sqrt(g/L)
formula for simple harmonic motion kinetic energy and potential energy
KE=mv 2/2
- Uspring=kx2/2
- Upendulum=mgh
for simple harmonic motion, when is kinetic energy greatest, when is potential energy the greatest?
- KE at equilibrium point
- U at max displacement
formula for a period of a mass on as spring and on of a pendulum
- period spring=2pi sqrt(m/k)
- period pendulum=2pi sqrt(L/g)
describe particle oscillation in transverse wave, in longitudinal wave
trans wave- oscillate perpendicular to wave
long wave- oscillate along the direction of wave
formula for velocity of wave
v=freq*wave length
whats a node and anti-node in a wave
- node r points that remains at rest
- anti-node r the points at max amptitude
formula for sound intensity
(t/f)higher harmonics of standing wave in open pipes have higher wave speed than lower harmonics
false, all harmonics have same wave speed
how are focal length and radius of curvature related?
- focal length=radius of curvature/2
- f=r/2
formula for object distance (o), image (distance), and focal length (f)