Small Bowel Anatomy and Physiology
- Small intestine: nutrient and water absorption
- Large intestine: water absorption
- Bulb (1st): 90% ulcers here
- Descending (2nd): ampulla of Vater (duct of Wirsung) and duct of Santorini
- Transverse (3rd)
- Ascending (4th)
- Descending and transverse: retroperitoneal
- 3rd and 4th: transition point at the angle between the aorta and SMA
Duodenal vascular supply
- Superior (off the gastroduodenal artery) and inferior (off SMA) pancreaticoduodenal arteries
- Both have anterior and posterior branches
- Many communications
- 100cm
- Long vasa recta
- Circular muscle folds
- Vascular supply from the SMA
- Maximum site of most absorption...
- Terminal ileum: B12, conjugated bile acids, folate
- Ileum: nonconjugated bile acids
- Duodenum: iron
- 150cm
- Short vasa recta
- Flat
- Vascular supply from the SMA
Intestinal brush border
- Maltase
- Sucrase
- Limit dextrinase
- Lactase
Cell types
- Absorptive cells
- Goblet cells: mucin
- Paneth cells: secretory granules, enzymes
- Enterochromaffin cells: APUD, 5-hydroxytryptamine release, carcinoid precursor
- Brunner's glands: alkaline solution
- Peyer's patches: lymphoid tissue, increased in the ileum
- M cells: antigen presenting cells in intestinal wall
- IgA: released into gut, mother's milk
- Fe: heme and Fe transporters
Migrating motor complex
- Phase I: rest
- PhaseII: acceleration and gallbladder contraction
- Phase III: peristalsis
- PhaseIV: deceleration
- Motilin: regulating hormone
Fat and Cholesterol
- Broken down b cholesterol esterase, phospholipase A2, lipase, colipase in combination with bile salts
- Converted to FFA and monacylglycerides: micelles
- TAGs are reformed in intestinal cells and released as chylomicrons into the lymphatics via terminal vilious lacteals
- Chylomicrons: 90% TAGs, 10% phospholipid, cholesterol, protein; released into lymphatics
- Long-chain fatty acids: released into lymphatics
- Short and medium chain fatty acids: released into portal vein
Bile salts
- 95% of bile salts are reabsorbed
- 50% of passive absorption (45% ileum, 5% colon)
- 50% active resorption in terminal ileum
- Conjugated bile absorbed only in terminal ileum
- Bile is conjugated to taurine and glycine
- Deconjugated in colon by bacteria
- Primary bile acids: cholic and chenodeoxycholic
- Secondary bile acids: deoxycholic and lithocholic
- Gallstones can form after terminal ileum resection from malabsorption of bile acids
Short-gut syndrome
- Dx made on symptoms and not length of bowel
- Sx: diarrhea, steatorrhea, wt loss, nutritional deficiency
- Lose fat, B12, electrolytes, water
- Sudan stain red: check for fecal fat
- Schilling test: checks for B12 absorption
- Need 75cm to survive off TPN, 50cm with competent ileocecal valve
- Tx: restrict fat with diet resumption, H2 blockers to reduce acid, Lomotil
- Causes: gastric hypersecretion of acid, decreased pH, increased intestinal motility, interferes with fat absorption
- Interruption of bile salt resorption: interferes with micelle formation
- Tx: Lomotil, decrease oral (fat) intake, Pancrease, H2 blocker
Nonhealing fistulas
- Foreign body
- Radiation
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Epithiealization
- Neoplasm
- Distal obstruction
- Sepsis
- High output: likely with proximal bowel (duodenum or prox jejunum)
- Colonic: more likely to close
- Persistent fever: check for abscess (fistulogram, abdominal CT, UGI with SBFT)
- Cause: iatrogenic
- Tx: TPN, skin protection, NG, stoma appliance, octreotide
- 40% close spontaneously
- Surgery: resect bowel segment with fistula and perform primary anastomosis
- H/O surgery
- Small bowel: adhesions, hernia
- Large bowel: cancer
- Sx: n/v, crampy abdominal pain, obstipation
- ABXR: air fluids levels, distended small bowel, distal decompression
- Bacterial overgrowth from 3rd spacing of fluid in bowel lumen
- Tx: bowel rest, NG tube, IVF
- Surgery: progressive pain, peritoneal signs, fever, increasing WBCs, strangulation, perforation, failure to resolve
Gallstone ileus
- SBO due to gallstone in terminal ileum
- Air in biliary tree
- Fistula between gallbladder and 2nd portion of duodenum
- Tx: remove stone, can leave fistula if pt sick, if not, cholecystectomy and close duodenum
Meckel's Diverticulum
- True diverticulum
- 2 ft fom ileocecal valve
- 2% of population
- Presents in 1st 2 yrs of life: with bleeding
- 50% of painless lower GI bleeds in kiddos <2 yo
- Pancreas tissue: most common
- Gastric mucosa: most likely to be sx
- Obstruction: most common presentation in adults
- Incidental: remove if gastric mucosa suspected, diverticulum feels thick or has narrow neck
- Dx: Technetium scan
- Tx: Diverticulectomy; segmental resection for complicated diverticulits or neck >1/3 diameter of the normal bowel lumen or if diverticulitis involves the base
Duodenal diverticula
- R/O gallbladder disease
- Observe unless perforated, bleeding, obstructing or sx
- Frequency: dudodenal>jejunal>ileal
- Tx: segmental resection, temporary gastroj for perf
- Intermittent abdominal pain, diarrhea, wt loss, low grade fever
- 15-35 yrs at first presentation
- Ashkenazi Jews
- Extraintestinal manifestations: arthritis, arthralgia, pyoderma gangrenosum, erythema nodosum, ocular diseases, growth failure, megaloblastic anemia from folate and B12 deficiency
- Mouth-anus
- Terminal ileum: most commonly involved segment
- Anal/perianal disease: 1st presentation in 10%
- Tx: Flagyl
- Anal disease most common sx with large skin tags
- Common sites for initial presentation: terminal ileum and cecum (40%), colon (35%), small bowel (20%), perianal (5%)
- Dx: colonoscopyy with biopsies and enteroclysis
Crohn's pathology
Pathology: transmural involvement, skip lesions, cobblestoning, narrow deep ulcers, creeping fat
Crohn's tx
- 5-ASA, sulfasalazine, steroids, azathioprine, methotrexate, Remicade (infliximab: TNF alpha inhibitor used for abscesses or fistula), loperamide
- No agents affect natural course of the disease
- TPN: may induce remission and fistula closure in small bowel disease
- 90% will need operation
Crohn's surgical indications:
- Obstruction (if partial, treat conservatievely)
- Abscess (may be able to perc drain)
- Megacolon
- Hemorrhage
- Blind loop obstruction
- Fissures (do not do a lateral internal spincteroplasty)
- EC fistula: can tx conservatively first
- Perineal fistula: unroof and rule out abscess, let heal on its own
- Anorectovaginal fistula: rectal advancement flap with colostomy
- Do not need clear margins: 2cm from gross disease
- Perirectal disease: may respond to resection of small bowel
- Diffuse disease of colon and rectum: proctocolectomy and ileostomy
- Incidental finding of IBD in pt with presumed appendicitis: remove appendix if cecum not involved
- Stricturoplasty: if pt has multiple strictures to save small bowel length, not good for pt's 1st operation b/c leaves disease behind, 10% risk of abscess/fistula/leak
- 50% recurrence rate after resection
Crohn's complications after removal of terminal ileum
- Megaloblastic anemia: B12 deficiency
- Diarrhea and steatrorrhea: decreased bile salt uptake
- Ca oxalate kidney stones: decreased oxalate binding secondary to increased intraluminal fat that binds Ca, oxalate gets absorbed in colon and released in urine
- Gallstones: malabsorption of bile acids
- Serotonin: produced by Kulchitsky cells (enterochromaffin cell or argentaffin cell)
- Part of amine precursor uptake decarboylase system (APUD)
- 5-HIAA is a breakdown product of serotonin: measure in urine
- Tryptophan: precursor to serotonin
- Increased use can lead to niacin deficiency and pellagra: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia
- Bradykinin also released by carcinoid tumors
Carcinoid Syndrome
- Caused by bulky liver mets
- Intermittent flushing and diarrhea
- Asthma type symptoms
- GI symptoms from vasoconstriction and fibrosis (desmoplastic reaction)
- Right heart valve lesions
- If present with small bowel primary, it indicates liver mets
- Octreotide scan can localize tumors not seen on CT
- All pts need abdominal exploration unless unresectable
Appendix carcinoid
- Most common site for carcinoid
- 50% of carcinoids arise here
- Next most common: ileum and rectum
Small bowel carcinoid
Pts at risk for multiple primaries and second unrelated malignancies
Carcinoid tx
- Appendix: <2cm appendectomy, >2cm or involved base right hemicolectomy
- Anywhere else in GI tract: tx like cancer with segmental resection and lymphadenectomy
- Chemo (streptozocin, 5FU): for unresectable disease and carcinoid syndrome
- Octreotide
- Bronchospasm: treat with aprotinin
- Flushing: treat with alpha blockers (phenothiazide)
- False 5-HIAA: fruits
- Pentagastrin can exacerbate symptoms
Intussusception in adults
- Small bowel or cecal tumors
- Presentation: bleeding or obstruction
- Often has malignant lead point
- Tx: resection
Benign small bowel tumors
- Rare
- More common than malignancies
- Leiomyomas: most common, usually extraluminal
- Adenomas: most in the ileum, bleeding obstruction (need resection when identified)
Benign small bowel tumors: Peutz Jeghers
- Autosomal dominant
- Jejunal and ileal harmatomas
- Mucocutaneous melanotic skin pigmentation
- Increased extraintestinal malignancies
- Slight increased risk of colon CA in pt with polyps
- Lipomas, neurogenic tumors, and hemangiomas
Malignant small bowel tumors: conditions with increased risk of neoplasia
- Adenomatous polyps
- Familial adenomatous polyposis
- Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
- Leiomyomas
- Neurofibromatosis
- Crohn's
- Celiac sprue
- Immunosupression
- HIV infection
- H. pylori
- Rare
- Most common malignant small bowel tumor
- Most in duodenum
- Sx: obstruction, jaundice
- Tx: resection and adenectomy, Whipple if in duodenum
Duodenal CA
Risks: FAP, Gardner's, polyps, adenomas, von Recklinghausen's
- Usually in jejunum and ileum
- Most extraluminal
- Hard to differentiate compared with leiomyoma (>5mitoses/HPF, atypia, necrosis)
- Tx: resection, no adenectomy
- Usually in ileum
- Increased incidence with Wegener's, SLE, AIDS, Crohn's, celiac sprue
- Posttransplantation: increased risk of bleeding and perforation
- Dx: abdominal CT, UGI, node sampling
- Tx: XRT, chemo, wide en bloc resection, include nodes
- 40% 5 yr survival rate
- Usually NHL B cell type
- Mediterranean variant: young males with clubbing
- Loop ileostomies: 1-2% obstruction rate
- Parastomal hernias: increased with loop colostomies, relocation is the best tx
- Candida: most common infection
- Diversion colitis (Hartmann's pouch): secondary to decreased short chain fatty acids - treat with short chain fatty acid enemas
- Ischemia: most common cause of stenosis of stoma - tx: dilation if mild
- Crohn's disease: most common cause of fistula near stoma site
- Abscesses: underneath stoma site often caused by irrigation device
- Gallstones and uric acid kidney stones: increased in pt with ileostomy
- Anorexia
- Abdominal pain (periumbilical that radiates to RLQ as peritonitis sets in)
- Vomiting
- 20-35 yrs
- Nl WBC possible
- CT: diameter >7mm or wall thickness>2mm (looks like a bull's eye), fat stranding, no contrast in appendiceal lumen (give rectal contrast)
- Midpoint of antimesenteric border: likely to perforate
- Hyperplasia: most common in children
- Fecalith: most common in adults (luminal obstruction>appendiceal distention>venous congestion>thrombosis>ischemia>gangrene necrosis>finally rupture
- Nonoperative: walled off perforated appendix, treat with perc drain and interval appendectomy, consider f/u barium enema or colonoscopy
- Children and elderly: higher risk of rupture due to delayed diagnosis
- Children have more vomiting and diarrhea
Appendicitis in pregnancy
- Most common cause of acute abdominal pain in the first trimester
- Most likely to occur in 2nd trimester
- Most likely to perforate in 3rd trimester
- Make incision where pt is having pain (appendix displaced superiorly)
- Sx of RUQ pain in 3rd trimester
- 35% fetal mortality with rupture
- Women with suspected appendicitis need beta-HCG drawn +/- abdominal US to r/o OBGYN causes
- Can be benign or malignant mucous papillary adenocarcinoma, needs resection
- Right hemicolectomy if malignant
- Pseudomyxoma peritonei with rupture
- MCC of death: SBO from tumor spread
Regional ileitis
- Can mimic appendicitis
- 10% will have Crohn's
Presumed appendicitis
- Ruptured ovarian cyst
- Thrombosed ovarian vein
- Regional enteritis not involving cecum
- Still do appendectomy
- Causes: surgery, electrolyte abnormalities, peritonitis, ischemia, trauma
- Dilation is uniform throughout the stomach, small bowel, colon, and rectum without decrompression
- Obstruction with distal bowel decompression
Typhoid enteritis
- Rare bleeding/perforation
- Fever
- HA
- Maculopapular rash
- Leukopenia
- Abdominal pain
- Tx: Bactrim