
  1. Which is the type of isobar spacing that would indicate a weak pressure gradient force?
  2. Which is the type of pressure gradient that would indicate the presence of strong winds?
  3. The initial movement of air toward a low-pressure area is caused by the ______.
    pressure gradient force
  4. The forces that determine the wind direction in the atmosphere are weakened at the Earth’s surface by the ______.
    force of friction
  5. Gradient winds move parallel to the isobars above 2000 feet AGL because they are NOT affected by the ______.
    force of friction
  6. The surface wind, when compared with the gradient wind is of ______.
    lesser speed and blows across the isobars toward low pressure
  7. In the Northern Hemisphere, the wind blows ______.
    counterclockwise around a low
  8. Gradient winds blow parallel to the isobars because of the ______.
    Coriolis force
  9. The sea breeze blows from the _______ to the _______ during the _______, and the land
    breeze blows from the _______ to the _______ during the _______.
    water, land, day; land, water, night
  10. ______ and water vapor must be present in the atmosphere for precipitation to occur
    Condensation nuclei
  11. When air contains the maximum moisture possible for a given temperature, the air is ______.
  12. Which condition could produce fog, clouds, or precipitation?
    RH of 100%
  13. Stratiform clouds are associated with ______ flight conditions
  14. Between what altitudes could an altostratus cloud be found?
    6,500 - 20,000 AGL
  15. Between which altitudes could Stratus and Cumulus type clouds be found?
    Surface - 6,500 AGL
  16. Between what altitudes could "Cirro" Cirrus type cloudes be found?
    above 20,000 AGL
  17. Cumulonimbus clouds typically produce which type of precipitation?
    Heavy showers
  18. Nimbostratus clouds will produce ______ precipitation
    heavy steady
  19. ______ defines air with the same temperature as the surrounding air.
    Neutrally stable
  20. Correctly lists the four methods of lifting?
    Convergence; frontal; orographic; and thermal
  21. If lifted air is warmer than the surrounding air, then ______ clouds will form resulting in ______ flight conditions.
    Cumuliform; unstable
  22. If stratus clouds are present, which of the following flight conditions could be expected?
    Poor visibility, steady winds, continuous precipitation, and rime icing
  23. What is the initiating force for all winds?
    Pressure gradient
  24. Low pressure results from ______ air.
  25. How often does the jet stream position change?
  26. The jet stream is the narrow band of strong winds found below the ______.
    Tropopause. (Avg height 30k MSL)
  27. Three forms of precipitation are ______, ______, and ______.
    drizzle, rain, frozen
  28. The four principal cloud groups are high, low, middle, and ______.
  29. If stratus clouds are present, you can expect flight conditions to be?
    Smooth, poor visibility
  30. How do Valley winds flow during the day?
    They flow out
  31. What is the most common form of visible moisture?
  32. what is the hydrological cycle?
    Evaporation, condenstaion, precipitation
  33. What are the characteristics of a shower?
    starts, stops, changes intensity rapidly, associated with cumuliform clouds
  34. what are the characteristics of continuous precip?
    steady, changes intensity gradually, associated with stratiform clouds
  35. what are the characteristics of interittent precip?
    stops, starts at least once during the hour, showers or steady, cumuliform or stratiform clouds
  36. What is the cause of freezing rain? what should you do if encountered?
    Temp inversion; you should climb
  37. What is free convection?
    When the lifted air rises with no external lifting force, due only to the parcel’s warmer temperature
  38. Describe the flight conditions for a stable atmosphere.
    • Cloud type: Stratus
    • Turbulance: Smooth
    • Visibility: Poor
    • Winds: Steady
    • Precip: Steady
    • Icing: Rime
  39. Descibe the flight conditions for an unstable atmosphere.
    • Cloud type: Cumulus
    • Turbulance: Rough
    • Visibility: Good (outside cloud)
    • Wind: Gusty
    • Precip: Showery
    • Icing: Clear
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